First Aid Other
Water Rescues
Bullying and Personal Safety

What makes an emergency

something that requires immediate attention

a situation where people's lives and health are in danger


Precautions for a safe swim (100 each, there are 8)

Qualified Supervision, Personal Health Review, Safe Area, Lifeguards, Lookout, Ability Groups, Buddy System, Discipline


Best method for water rescue (reaching, throwing, rowing, going) and why


its safest and most likely to succeed


What is the name of this symbol: &?



What is bullying

When someone uses their power and position to frighten, embarrass, harass, or threaten another person


What is triage

Triage is the assignment of degrees of urgency to best order treatment of a large group of casualties

Red = immediate, yellow = urgent, green = delayed, blue = expectant, black = dead


Provide some ways to respect the flag (name four, there are at least 12 ways, an additional 200 for every four)

take off hats and salute or put your hand over your heart during the Pledge of Allegiance and during raising or lowering of the flag

The flag should be flown above all other flags, and if not it should be in front or farthest right. It is raised first and lowered last

Don't let it touch the ground

Raise it quickly, lower it slowly

The flag should be flown at half staff following national tragedy (the death of a national figure or to honor those who have served), on Memorial Day it is flown at half-staff until noon

flag should be folded properly

when carrying it, carry it over your heart with your hands crossed over it

At events the flag should be to the right of the speaker

The flag should never be flown upside down

Flags should be properly retired with respect and dignity at a ceremony where it is burned completely to ashes

Process for conducting a reaching rescue

Get low and hold onto an object to keep from being pulled in

reach with a limb or object and pull them in


What does BSA stand for

Boy Scouts of America

What are some types of bullying (name at least four)

verbal - name calling and teasing

social - spreading rumors, purposefully leaving others out, manipulating friendships

pysical - hitting, pushing, shoving, and use of physical force

group - intimidation and ostracizing

criminal - insult, assault, sexual aggression

cyberbullying - use of digital technology to do any of the above


What should you do in an emergency

1. stay calm

2. assess the situation and preform triage

3. send for help

4. Help to the best of your ability


What are some smart money habits (name at least four)


comparison shopping

not shopping hungry

think about purchases before you buy them


Process for conducting a throwing rescue

Grab an object that floats, attach a line to it

Aim beyond the person and pull it back towards them, this way you don't accidentally knock them unconscious


Name a famous Eagle Scout or two famous scouts

Ex for Eagles: Neil Armstrong, Michael Bloomberg, Gerald Ford 

Ex for Scouts: George W. Bush (only a cub scout), Bill Clinton (only a cub scout), Jimmy Buffett, Harrison Ford (life), Bill Gates (life), Andy Griffith, John F Kennedy, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., Barack Obama, John Schneider 


Signs of bullying

if a person: is reluctant to join activities

comes late or leave early regularly

is afraid or nervous around certain people

avoids certain places

shows increased anger for no obvious reason

talks about wanting to carry a weapon for self-protection

talks about loneliness or suicide

takes blame for their problems

doesn't defend themselves when teased or pushed

suddenly loses friends


How to respond to vehicular accidents

Call for help and provide first aid

Make sure the scene is safe, the vehicles are off and parked, if you have cones put them up to warn others about the accident


Qualities of a Safe Swim Area (There are 6, you need to get at least 4)

controlled access, bottom conditions and depth, visibility, water quality, avoid moving water, life jacket use


Cautions for preforming a swimming rescue and why other rescues should be attempted first

Do not attempt if you are not a strong swimmer

Do not attempt if you have not been trained in lifesaving

Do not physically engage the victim

If you are not trained or do not have the equipment to conduct a rescue just go for help, don't put yourself in danger

other rescues are safer for you, and if it comes down to it, its better to have one death rather than two


Who founded Boy Scouts?

General Robert Baden-Powell


How to respond to bullying (provide multiple actions)

Don't be a bystander

avoid bullying back

say kind words to and for the bullied person

help bystanders understand that they aren't helping the problem

tell a trusted adult


How to prepare for emergencies in your home

Have an emergency plan and kit ready

Make sure that there are no hazards, and hazardous materials and household chemicals are secured and not available to children

Fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors

If you smell gas, call 911


Name and describe 10 wild animals found in our local area

Examples: racoon, deer, mosquitos, cayotes, rabbits, frogs, wide mouth bass, seagulls, ladybugs, fruit flies, squirrel, skunk, garden snake


Process for conducting a swimming/going rescue

Strip to your underwear

grab something that floats

swim to the victim using the breaststroke so you can keep an eye on them while your swimming

push the floating object to the victim, back off and encourage them to grab the object

wait until the victim is calm or unconscious before pulling them in


Who founded Girl Scouts 

Juliette Gordon Low


What are the three Rs of Personal Safety

Recognize - anyone could be a molester, and molesters are commonly people you know

Respond - when someone does something you don't want get away and tell them to stop and leave you alone, sometimes you will freeze and that's fine just do your best to resist

Report - any attempts or actual molestation
