Spongebob Squarepants
Husband of Kim Kardashian
Kayne West
What do you find at the end of the line?
The letter E
This man was known as the "King of Pop"
Micheal Jackson
Which two NFL teams played in the 2019 Super Bowl?
New England Patriots and Los Angeles Rams
What movie does a daughter play a son to fight a war?
Who is the voice of Dori in Finding Nemo
Ellen DeGeneres
I have an e on both ends and a letter in the middle
Uptown Funk was whose song?
Bruno Mars
Who won the 2018 NBA Finals?
Golden State Warriors
Singer with black and green hair?
Billie Eilish
What can you hear but not touch or see?
Your voice
Sings "Party in the USA"
Miley Cyrus
What was Michael Jordan's jersey number?
Most watched anime show on netflix.
Who played the Black Panther in the movie Black Panther?
Chadwick Boseman
What has hands but can't pick up anything?
A clock
What song are these lyric from? "Sometimes we laugh and sometimes we cry, but I guess you know now"
Laugh Now, Cry Later - Drake
What company's logo is a swoosh?
Most watched doctor show on tv right now?
Grey Anatomy
Singer performed with a band at coachella in 2018
During which month do people sleep the least?
What genre songs does Taylor Swift sing?
How many holes are on a gold course?