Which gospel is the shortest?
The book of Mark
This has a face with two hands but no arms or legs?
A clock
What was the highest grossing movie of the 2000s? - Shrek2, Avatar, The Dark Knight
Siapakah pemain basketball yang paling pendek? Do you know who the shortest basketball player is?
Muggsy Bogues
Siapa nama malaikat yang mengunjungi Maria
Semua orang memilikinya dan tidak bisa kehilangan nya. Apakah ini? Everyone has it and no one can lose it, what is it?
What is a shadow?
polikjumnhybgtfvredcsxwaqz or abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
What was name of first video posted on YouTube? ---Me at the Zoo, Me at the Beach, Me at the Aquarium
Me at the Zoo
Do you know all positions of players in a basketball game?
Point guard, Shooting guard, Small forward, Power forward and Center.
What Matthew 6:33 said?
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
Tetapi carilah dahulu Kerajaan Allah and kebenarannya, maka semuanya itu akan ditambahkan kepadamu.
Punya jempol dan empat jari tapi gak hidup. Apa ayo? It has a thumb and four fingers but it is not alive, what is it?
A glove
Where can you hit the button?
Planet mana yang ukurannya paling mirip dengan bumi? Which planet is most similar to earth in size?
Dari negara manakah asal mula Manga? Do you know in which of these countries did manga originate? Korea, China, Japan
Siapakah dua orang yang tidak pernah mati di Alkitab? What two men in the bible never died?
Henok dan Elia / Enoch and Elijah
What room do ghosts avoid?
A living room
polikjumhnybgbg ttjlpolikjjumhnng t
In TED talks, what does TED stands for?
Tell me, Explain to me, Describe to me
BTS is an acronym for Korean expression Bangtan Sonyeondan. Do you know what it mean?
Bulletproof Boyscout
Who was the first person to come upon the injured man in the parable of the Good Samaritan?
A priest
Biasanya berada di pojok namun bisa keliling dunia. Apakah itu? What stays in the corner but travels around the world?
A stamp
Where do you see the invite code?
At the bottom
Manakah yang paling banyak menggunakan otot, senyum atau cemberut? Do you use more muscles to smile or to frown?
Do you know who holds the record for most Grammy nominations (9) in one night without winning? --- Stevie Wonder, Kanye, Paul McCartney
Paul McCartney