I was an Ontario Finalists for the World Karaoke Championship in 2020
Who is Harpreet?
I have discovered that I love exploring bike trails with my family, even when it’s getting colder at the end of the autumn.
Who is Jose?
I spy with my little eye.. planes, trains, cars, boats, helicopters and streetcars outside!
Who is Geetaa?
I had a cat as a pet and her name was Beverly named after Beverly Hills 90210! Hahaha
Who is Angela?
I can do a really good job mimicking Donald Duck's voice!
Who is Gaurav? :)
Despite hating to fly, I’ve visited 29 different countries.
Who is Marisa?
I spy a jelly fish and unexpected treacherous encounter in the Bahamas!
Who is Rosanna? :)
I attended Lincoln Alexander PS (named after a Lieutenant Governor of Ontario) and was chosen to give a little speech to introduce him before the official ribbon cutting. When he came on stage, he unexpectedly asked me to join him for the ribbon cutting and now our picture is enlarged, framed and on display in the school.
Who is Ruby?
I have always been a big fan of TV sitcoms with Seinfeld being my all-time favorite. I know the show so well that I once entered a Seinfeld Trivia night against 70 contestants and walked away with the 1st Place prize.
Who is Phil? :)
I swear it didn't hurt and I have seven of them to show you!
Who is Wendy and her tattoos?
I spy the blue ocean, plenty of marine life and believed I was a mermaid! I lived on a remote island like Blue Lagoon, my playmates were crabs, octopus and goats.
Who is Emmylou?
My dream job was to work as an Animator for Disney!
Who is Jackie?
My legs were used as the prototype for the marching soldiers in the Broadway production of “The Producers” for a scene called “Springtime with Hitler” – Not quite the Rockettes but Broadway nonetheless :)
Who is Karen O'Shea?
I say.. Gone fishing, catch you later! I am just trying to keep it reel :)
Who is Annette :)
I spy a cup that I want to use but makes reaching for items in the kitchen challenging when everyone is the same height in the family:
Who is Stephanie?
Did you practice today? You got that right, my parents made me take piano lessons and I hated it!
Who is Wendy?
I love working out and I am able to deadlift 240lbs.
Who is Raman?
It was a hard exercise, but I was once left (by a friend) in Tijuana Mexico without any money or identification.
Who is Tracy?
I spy a reindeer that shares a name with a famous symbol of Valentine’s Day.
Who is Cupid?
In the early 1800s, the first gingerbread houses were reportedly inspired by this famous fairy tale.
What is Hansel & Gretel?