What clan is Naruto part of?
Which infinity stone is in Vision?
The Mind Stone
The name of Han Solo's ship
Millenium Falcon
What is the principle's name at COMPASS?
What is the world's largest animal?
Blue Whale
What are people's superpowers called in My Hero Academia?
Name 4 Guardians of the Galaxy
Star Lord(Peter Quill), Gamora, Rocket Racoon, Drax, Groot, Mantis, Nebula
What is Darth Vader's real name?
Anakin Skywalker
Name a Head Caseworker
Alex or Jerry
Which continent do Hyenas live on?
How many Dragon Balls does one need to collect in Dragon Ball Z?
What is Clint Barton's codename?
Who is the bounty hunter who captured Han Solo?
Bobo Fett
How many points can a student earn each period?
What kind of fish is Nemo?
Clown Fish
Kakashi is the leader of what?
Team 7
What turned Bruce Banner into the Hulk?
Gamma Rays
Who said "do or do not, there is not try?"
What street is COMPASS on?
Bowdoin Street
Name a mammal that lays eggs?
Platypus of echidna
One Punch Man's real name is?
What is the name of the villain who guards the Mind Stone?
Red Skull
What type of crystals are in lightsabers?
What is COMPASS' Occupational Therapist's name?
What kind of animal is Canis familiaris?