Lucifer, Bahamut, Belial
Providence Series
Noe said this element can tank Paradise Lost
This is the only Rare character that has a backline passive.
Young Cat
At the end of season 1, Gran and the crew fight this primal.
Ice Crystal Staff
Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, Metatron, Sariel
Archangel Series
These three crew members are so rich that they all own a 100 gold moon weapon.
(Name at least one. +100 points for each extra crew member you name)
Bynsent, Ryo, Tshinami
These are the only two Rare characters that have an SR and SSR counterpart. (Name one of them)
Tanya and Mary
On the release of Season 2 Episode 1, this summon was distributed to all players
Yahata's Naginata
Shiva, Europa, Alexial, Grimnir
Genesis Series
These three crew members have unfortunately made a Zephyrus grid.
(Name at least one. +100 points for each extra crew member you name)
Zae, Haru, Noe
This Dark Rare character was used in early Dark Faa clears over her SSR counterpart due to her passive to reset the cooldown of her skill 1
In the Halloween special episode, Djeeta mainhands this weapon.
Five-Soul Staff
Light Jeanne
Agni, Varuna, Titan, Zephyrus, Zeus, Hades
Optimus Series
Epic Agni was so popular that these six crew members farmed the entire grid before ultimately being powercrept by Astral weapons.
(Name at least 3. +100 points for each extra crew member you name.)
Crew members: Bynsent, Raign, Juusu, Impulse, Clorox, Sorah
This Earth Rare character has a small niche for 1 button Earth EX+ OTK setups due to his passive to speed up charge bar.
In season 1 episode 8, Gran takes a bomb and dunks into the mouth of this monster. It has been memed as a "Gran Slam".
Clay Golem
Golden Knight
Grand Order, Kaguya
Dynamis Series
Noe got this many bars.
These two Rare characters make a duo SR character.
Bridgette and Cordelia
In season 2 episode 13, Djeeta is a Chrysaor and mainhands these two weapons.
Sky Ace and Dragon Slayer