The roller coaster stopped abruptly when the power went out.
Suddenly or unexpected
Although I did not win the talent show, the judges said I should get an A for effort.
To be awarded for trying
I was proud of myself for achieving the highest grade in the class.
Earn, accomplish
My table bears the weight of my laptop and books.
to carry
My brother was acknowledged for his hard work as a doctor.
recognize the importance of
My best friend wore pink nail polish. I thought it looked cute so I painted my nails pink too. My friend called me a "copy cat".
To copy what someone else does.
I purchased a gift to give my friend for Christmas.
Buy, bought
To stay away
My teacher sent us an evaluation to do online. It is worth 20% of our grade.
After winter break, my teacher said "By a show of hands, who played Fortnite over break?" What did the teacher want the students who played Fortnite to do?
Raise their hand.
My teacher let me correct the error I made on my assignment.
He couldn't bear the heat.
Can't stand, doesn't like
I tried to persuade my mom into buying me a PS5, but she said no.
to try to get someone to do something
I had mixed feelings about auditioning for the school play.
To not be sure
I gathered twigs to make a fire.
I need to change into my bathing suit before we go in the pool.
get into different clothes
My teacher had us line up in chronological order by age. I was at the front because I am the youngest.
starting with the earliest to the latest
My brother was in hot water with my parents when he broke his curfew.
to be in trouble
My plane departs at 5pm and will arrive in Florida at 7:30.
The cashier gave me the wrong amount of change.