location inferences
Agent (doing) inferences
Time inferences
Action Inferences

Carly was talking loudly when she was asked to be quiet. Other people were reading and trying to concentrate. Where was Carly? Which key words give you clues about Carly's location?

A library


Kara used her throat spray before practicing the scales. The lead role was very demanding and put great strain on her voice. What is Kara's job? What key words give you clues to Kara's occupation.

a singer/actress


Max was excited. Now that summer was over, he would carry his new lunchbox, and get on the bus with all the other kids. When did this occur? Which key words give you clues to the time?

September or the start of the school year


The waves were really huge this morning. Kai ran home to get her board. What was Kai going to do? Which key words give you clues to Kai's activity?

going surfing


The rocking motion was making Jeff sick. He couldn't wait to plant his feet on solid ground again. Where was Jeff? Which key words give you clues about Jeff's location?

On a boat

Kesha looked at the stack of tests in front of her. She wanted them all corrected to hand back to the students tomorrow. What is Kesha's job? What key words give you clues to Kesha's occcupation?

a teacher


Paul was feeling relieved. The week had been so hectic, he was glad to be leaving school for the next two days. When did this occur? Which key words give you clues to the time? 

the weekend-- sat and sun are days off


Dan read and reread the chapters in his history book. He underlined the important ideas. He studied his notes. He had to be ready for Ms. Mason's class tomorrow. What was Dan going to do tomorrow? Which key words give you clues to Dan's activity?

he is going to take a history test


The eggs were collected and the cows were milked. Now Chloe could go in and prepare breakfast for the family. Where was Chloe? Which key words give you clues to Chloe's location?

On a farm


After Karen took their order, she asked the busboy to bring water and a hot basket of rolls to their table. What is Karen's job? Which key words give you clues to Karen's occupation?

waitress/food server


At the lake, Elizabeth finally learned to do a backward flip off the diving board. When did this occur? Which key words give you clues to the time?



The jars of peanut butter and jelly were on the kitchen counter. Mom sliced four pieces of bread from the freshly baked loaf. What was mom going to do. Which key words give you clues to mom's activity?

going to make sandwiches or lunch


Justin paid five dollars for the bag. He was told he could pick as many apples as he could hold in the bag. Where was Justin? Which key words give you clues to Justin's location?

An apple orchard.


Bridget worked on the brief all evening because she had to appear in court the next day. What is Bridget's job? Which key words give you clues to Bridget's occupation?



Sally took off her shoes and rubbed her aching feet. She hadn't danced so much in a long time. It was so much fun! When did this occur? Which ket words give you clues to the time?

after a dance or party


Lee spayed a fine mist and then used paper towels to rub away the dirt. It certainly made a difference. Now the sunlight was streaming in. What was Lee doing? Which key words give you clues to Lee's activity?

cleaning windows


"The chart seemed easier to read last year," thought Caitlyn. She was afraid her vision was getting worse and that she would need stronger glasses. Where was Caitlyn? Which key words give you clues to Caitlyn's location?

The (eye) doctor.


Liz put the finishing touches on the wedding cake. Now it was time to prepare the dough for the cookies that had to be ready by 3 o'clock. What is Liz's job? Which key words give you clues to Liz's occupation?

a baker


The sun was in Nathan's eyes as he ran to catch his bus. If he was late again, he might be fired. When did this occur? Which key words give you clues to the time?

Before work or in the morning


Andrew put on his coat, got the leash, and whistled. What was Andrew going to do? Which key words give you clues to Andrew's activity?

walk the dog
