This numeric value is important to enter into each task.
What is size?
Where the unveiling of the name Enel X was held.
What is Gillette Stadium
The first two things you do when start working a case?
What is put the case in your name and set the status to in process?
In plants light energy from the sun is converted into chemical energy via this process
Somewhere in California a man works from his back yard, otherwise known as the ______ _______.
Global Shedquarters.
"I wasn't planning on doing this work this sprint but its a priority, I'll just add it in as an _____."
What is an interrupt?
What year was Enel founded?
What is 1962
Case comments should be entered at any time site or support work is completed, or at what minimum cadence?
What is every two weeks?
Washington leads all states by getting 76% of its electricity from this renewable method
Hydroelectric Power
This persons office mate often is heard snoring in the background during meetings.
Who is Rosie?
Thankfully, the least used business unit the past year.
What is EIS/Hatch?
This man is Enels Chief Executive Officer.
Who is Francesco Starace?
This teammate (Not part of our team) of ours is one of the most active participants in our storage and DR workflow, creating many false positive cases a week.
Who is Boyce Huey?
This industry term is how we make the majority of our customer money.
What is Demand Response?
Luke, Kyle and Saul all share one specific thing, which keeps us in check every day.
Who is Emily?
This business type was most used in 2020.
What is DER?
Enel Global produce and distribute electricity and gas in ____ countries.
What is 32?
Case comments are best viewed when using a __________ _______.
What is a salesforce report.
7-letter word for a renewable energy source made from algae plants or animal waste
What is Biofuel?
Michael and Taylor had this addition to their family this past year.
Who is Ranger?
The total number of tasks completed in 2020 (Each team will get one guess) closest guess wins.
What is 1723?
Enel worldwide has a total installed capacity of ____ GW.
What is 87 GW?
The first of what is known as the rectangular briefcase was invented when?
What is the late 1850s?
The San Onofre one of these plants will cost over $4 billion & take decades--not to build but to decommission
A Nuclear Plant
If you have a question related to anything Bollywood you should ask this person.
Who is Sohan?