What is Railroad Crossing?
What is walk rest modifier?
Inner city 3-wheeled transportation mode is popular in India & Thailand
What is Auto-rickshaw?
The elevation of the Point of Vertical Intersection (PVI) is always (higher/lower) than the highest point on a crest vertical curve
What is higher?
When demand exceeds capacity
What is bottleneck?
What is yield sign?
What is Metropolitan Planning Organization?
Agency that regulates air traffic in the US
What is FAA?
Speed used to determine vertical and horizontal alignments of a highway
What is design speed?
Shared bike-vehicle lane (sharrow)
What is Class III bike facility?
What is a warning sign?
What is stopping sight distance?
State w/ the highest mile of public roads
What is Texas?
White or yellow pavement marking lines that delineate the right or left edges of a traveled way
What are edge line markings?
A divided highway with full control of access
What is freeway?
What is School warning sign?
What is Highway Capacity Manual?
Almost 100% of intraurban freight trips in the US occur by this mode of transportation
What is truck?
Interconnecting roadway between two or more highway that do not intersect at grade
Vertical objects that direct traffic
What is delineator?
What is directional/regulatory/warning sign?
Senate Bill that creates a process to change the way that transportation impacts are analyzed under CEQA; provides an alternative to LOS for evaluating transportation impacts
Minimum fine for a carpool violation in CA
What is $481?
A single station in US units is ___
What is 100 feet?
Initiation of a change in traffic signal operation when vehicles arrive at intersection
What is actuated signal?