Luther Posting 95 Thesis
Who was Abraham's wife?
What town was Jesus born in
Away in the Manger, no Crib for his bed....
the Little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head
Abraham and Isaac
What was the name of Harry's friend who is a Boy
Ron Weasley
What is Luther ask to do in this trial
Who was Abrahams son who God ask him to sacrafice
What is Jesus doing here?
This little light of mine...
I'm gonna let it shine
Who are these two
David and Goliath
Harry has a pet...
Owl named Hetwig
Who is this with Luther?
Katie Van Buren
Name this scene
Moses and the Burning Bush
Jesus over turning the money table in the temple in Jerusalem
Here I am Lord, __ __ _ _____?
Is it I Lord? I have heard you calling in the night
How many Horcruxes are there
What did the Nuns escape in to come see Luther
Pickle Barrel
Name this scene
Jesus Feeds _______People with _____Loaves of Bread and ____Fish
5000 People, 5 Loaves, 2 Fish
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see! Hail incarnate deity. Pleased as man with us to dwell, Jesus, our___________. Hark the Herald Angels Sing
John the Baptist in the River Jordan
How many Harry Potter Movies were there?
Name the Scene
Lords Payer on each step to free someone from Purgatory
Explain what is happening here
Israelites painting lambs blood on their door so the Angel of Death passes over them
What Jesus taught us on the Sermon on the Mount
Lords Prayer
____________ was a wee little man, A wee little man was he.
The Tax Collector Disciple
What Spell would you use to light up your wand