________ Management is an important skill to learn or to have help with so you make the most of your day.
Time Management
A ____ skill is a technical skill, like riding a bike.
A plan or list of things you Have to do today, tomorrow or during the week.
______ it 'til you make it!
Fake it
After a job application comes the _______
______ Skills are basic skills we learn from experience that help us handle issues and problems from day to day.
Life skills
A ____skill is something that helps us adapt or interact with others.
Giving up your time to help others.
To make a ____ ____ short means to give a simple explanation.
Long Story
Before I can start working, I usually have to fill out lots of ______
forms or paperwork
Thing seem easier when my room or office is well _______. Not when the place is a mess.
Knowing how to use a lawnmower or how to build a fire... These are ______ skills.
To put off something off until later because you don't feel like it.
When life gives you ______...
Which comes first, Thunder or Lightning?
When a group of people work together and get something done, it's called ________
It makes the ________.
Knowing when I should use a quiet voice is a ____ skill
Things you do in your free time, like painting.
We'll cross that _____ when we come to it.
Before I can deposit a paycheck, I need to open an
Someone good at getting people motivated, being a teacher or manager has _________ skills
Leadership skills
Make up a sentence using the key word/words correctly
________ is one of my Hard or Soft skills....
Try it! you can do it.
I like to ________with my friends and people I meet.
No ___, no____.
You have to work for what you want
Pain, Gain
Name the daily main steps in a work day
Clock in, work, take a lunch, work, clock out.