large rock orbiting a planet
What is a moon?
What is capricorn?
bee vomit
What is honey?
although resembling this much older character, Baby (him) has no relation (that we know of)
Who is Yoda?
ursa major and minor contain star patterns known as these
What are the big and little dippers?
Hannah & Sam
What is gemini?
a current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes; coins and banknotes collectively
What is money?
this actor also plays Prince Oberyn Martell in Game of Thrones
Who is Pedro Pascal?
some mistake clouds for this
Is that the milky way?
What is taurus?
a person appointed to act for another in business or legal matters
What is an attorney?
the titular Mando's ship name, also, shaving tool + top of a wave
What is Razor Crest?
she was the first female US astronaut
Who is Sally Ride?
What is cancer?
a pungent hot-tasting red powder prepared from ground dried chili peppers
What is cayenne?
Jango's "son", long thought to be dead, makes a comeback in the show
Who is Boba Fett?
the earth's axis is tilted by approximately this many degrees
What is 23.5?
What is scorpio?
a doglike African mammal with forelimbs that are longer than the hind limbs, lol
What is a hyena?
This metal makes up Din's armor and spear, and can withstand blows from a lightsaber
What is beskar?