Ethical framework
Ethical framework
I Robot
Science Fiction

The practical application of moral standards to the conduct of individuals involved in organizations

Applied Ethics


Complex scheme of individual moral values

Personal Value System (a.k.a. individual moral compass)


When did Isaac Asimov write the collection of short stories I Robot?



In Frankenstein, Shelley was the first writer to address one of the central concerns of ethics in technology which has since become a  science fiction trope. What is this theme?

NB. Frankenstein, Mary Shelley, 1818 

A trope = a recurrent theme

A scientific education divorced from moral education and the abandonment of responsibility for one's own achievements could lead to disaster.


A benefit of integrating personal ethics into an organizational culture?

Enhances employees' commitment to organizational goals and objectives.


A set of principles of right and wrong conduct; a theory or system of moral values, of what is right and what is wrong. A system of values that guides behavior in relationships among people in accordance with certain social rules.



What's the Second Law of Robotics?

A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.


What relationship between science & science fiction does this cartoon illustrate?

Science fiction is a form of conversation between technology and society about the future

It is a vivid conversation. It makes us think, debate and learn. And it’s not a one-way street, but rather a strong interaction – while science fiction feeds on the ground that technology offers, it also gives ideas about how to build a better world for our children.


The theory that holds that morality is relative to the norms of one's culture.

Ethical relativism


The moral corruption of people in power, which is often facilitated by a tendency for people to look the other way when their leaders act inappropriately

Bathsheba syndrome


What's the name of the "sophisticated" robot in Runaround?



Aboard the "Nautilus," Captain Nemo explores creatures of the deep. What book is this?

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Jules Verne (1869)


What is the ethical issue when images or videos are posted of unsuspecting users?

Identity Theft


Philippa Foot, a British moral philosopher who, along with Judith Jarvis Thomson, devised these thought experiments to demonstrate how our moral intuitions can conflict with each other. What's the name of the famous problem she devised?

The Trolley Problem.

NB. Look this up or explain it to your partner if you're unfamiliar with this ethical dilemma.


In Runaround, how does the protagonist solve Speedy's quandary?

NB. a quandary = a connundrum

Greg Powell, one of the two scientists, elicits the First Law of Robotics* in order to override the conflict which Speedy is experiencing between the Second & Third Laws of Robotics.

*A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm


In which sci-fi movie does the protagonist declare: "Mathematics is the only true universal language".

Contact (1997) 

Ellie Arroway


Set of principles and rules used by companies, professional organizations, and individuals to govern their decision-making in choosing between right and wrong.

Code of ethics


When values, rights, duties, and loyalties conflict.

Moral dilemma


Given the themes covered in Asinov's work, can you guess which iconic sci-fi television series + films he collaborated on?

Star Trek

Fun fact: at first he was critical of the lack of scientific accurancy, but he quickly became an advisor & "Trekkie" himself.


Discuss this Pulp cover. Has much changed in 60 years?
