Water Booger Bears & The Low Cuts Strike Again
Skitter Hitter & How to Look (Both) Both Ways
Call of Duty; Simeon & Kenzi; Satchmo
Satchmo; Ookabooka Land; Grease Fire
The Broom Dog

In the first chapter, "Water Booger Bears", what is TJ's full name?

What is Terrence Jumper?


In "Skitter Hitter", what is the name of Pia's skateboard?

What is Skitter?


Where is Ty first kissed in the chapter "Call of Duty"?

What is the water fountain (after PE class)?


In "Satchmo's Master Plan", what event inspires Mr. Jerry to adopt a dog of his own?

What is his wife passes away, and Satchmo's mother encourages him to get a dog?


In "The Broom Dog", which character from another story does Mrs. Post, the crossing guard, push out of harm's way when she sees a bus coming toward the student?

Who is Kenzi?


In "Water Booger Bears", whose backpack contains every class textbook and notebook?

Who is Jasmine?


In "Skitter Hitter", what article of clothing does Stevie cut and hide in his backpack, too ashamed to show his mother?

What is a tie? (It was tied so tightly after some boys pulled on it that Stevie had to cut the tie off.)


What does Ty bring Bryson to thank him at the end of "Call of Duty"?

What are roses?


In "Ookabooka Land", explain why Cynthia writes her jokes down and mails them back home to herself.

Her grandfather, who has dementia, reads the joke and later believes that it is one that he wrote. He then shares it with Cynthia, who then shares it with her classmates. It's her way of making him feel good that his jokes are still making others laugh.


In "The Broom Dog", the school bus is called "a pillow fort that rolls, a tank, a safe zone...etc."  What type of figurative language is it when something IS something else?

What is a metaphor?


In "Water Booger Bears", which disease does Jasmine have?

What is sickle cell anemia?


What is the name of the only person Fatima talks to in the chapter "How to Look (Both) Both Ways"?

Who is Benni?


In "Five Things Easier to do than Simeon's and Kenzi's Secret Handshake", what item does Kenzi always carry with him?

What is a blue bouncy ball?


In "How a Boy Can Become a Grease Fire", what is Gregory's last name, and why is it fitting based on his hygiene?

What is Pitts? ...and... Pitts sounds like armpits, and Gregory is known for smelling bad.


In "The Broom Dog", what item looks like a "school bus falling from the sky"?

What is the broom dog's straw falling in the air?


In "The Low Cuts Strike Again", name all four members of the Low Cuts.

Who are Bit, Trista, John John, and Francy?


What question does Benni repeatedly ask Fatima at the end of "How to Look (Both) Both Ways"?

What is "How you gon' change the world?"


In "Five Things Easier to do than Simeon's and Kenzi's Secret Handshake", what profession does Kenzi hope to pursue some day?

What is a lawyer?  


In "How a Boy Can Become a Grease Fire", what is one way that Gregory's friends help him before he talks to his crush?

Possible answers:

cologne, lotion, VapoRub, confidence building


In "The Low Cuts Strike Again", what flavor of ice cream do the Low Cuts bring to Bit's mother at the end?

What is vanilla, with sprinkles?


Name the two ways that Fatima embarrasses herself in front of her classmates in "How to Look (Both) Both Ways".

What is tripping on a crack in the sidewalk, and getting drenched in the rain when walking to school?


In "Satchmo's Master Plan", what skill is Satchmo known for?

What is catching a ball? 

"Satchmo Jenkins never ever missed. Whenever a ball was thrown toward him..."


In "How a Boy Can Become a Grease Fire", recall one compliment that Gregory gives Sandra.

Possible answers:  She always gets answers right in class, and she never says anything bad about him.
