William Shatner played this no-nonsense cop in the eponymous television series which ran from 1982-1986.
Who is TJ Hooker?
T-Mobile Park, originally known as Safeco Field, is home to this sports team.
What are the Seattle Mariners?
In 2014 the brother artist duo known as OSGEMOS created the larger than life mural pictured here, known by this apt name.
What are "The Giants"?
This game, developed during the Qing dynasty, includes tiles for winds, dragons, and seasons, among other.
What is mahjong?
An emotional jury of anonymous government agents debate an extraterrestrial crime.
What is 12 Angry Men in Black?
This slave-owner and philosopher served as America's second Vice-President and its third President.
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
This Seattle resident is the holder of the longest winning steak in Jeopardy! history, and recently began a stint as the acting host.
Who is Ken Jennings?
Celebrity Chef David Chang and actor Seth Rogan visited this popular confectionary on Chang's Netflix series 'Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner.'
What is Lee's Donut's?
This stock market index, one of the oldest in the US, measures the performance of 30 large, publicly-traded companies.
What is the Dow Jones Industrial Average?
A zombie outbreak in a New England town interrupts a prep school English teacher's effort to instill his students with a love of poetry.
What is Night of the Living Dead Poet's Society?
This tiki-themed grocery store chain, founded in Los Angeles in 1958, is famous for its private label branded products.
What is Trader Joe's?
Opened in 1907, this downtown fixture is the oldest continuously operated farmer's market in the United States.
What is Pike Place Market?
Alumni of this local performance group include Ryan Stiles and Colin Mochrie.
What is the Vancouver Theatresports League?
Though named after a French city, this tangy condiment is now mostly manufactured from ingredients grown in Canada.
What is dijon mustard?
An angel shows a man what the world would have been like if he had been stranded on a lifeboat with a tiger.
What is It's a Wonderful Life of Pi?
The atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima released about 63 trillion joules; in other words 63 of these.
What is a terajoule?
Born in Seattle in 1942, this famous singer, songwriter and combustible guitarist achieved global fame before his death at the age of 27.
Who is Jimi Hendrix?
In 2017, a university named after this Canadian artist closed down its Granville Island campus.
Who is Emily Carr?
This Oscar-winning filmmaker began his career making skateboarding films before moving to music videos, such as the one below for the Fatboy Slim song "Weapon of Choice".
Who is Spike Jonze?
A war veteran becomes embroiled as a hitman for the Italian mob and discovers that he is the sole super-powered survivor of an alien world.
What is The Irishman of Steel?
This ex-Soviet Republic - known by the country code TJ - is famous for buzkashi, a polo-like sport where players attempt to drag a goat carcass to their goal.
What is Tajikistan?
President John F. Kennedy was scheduled to speak during the closing ceremonies of the 1962 Seattle World's Fair, but was forced to cancel his plans in order to attend to this dire political crisis.
What is the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Granville Island falls within the ancestral territory of this indigenous nation.
What is the Musqueam Nation?
Since assuming power in 2011, this Hermit Kingdom leader ruffled feathers with his pursuit of nuclear rockets capable of reaching the United States.
Who is Kim Jong Un?
In a post-apocalyptic wasteland, a group of tenacious women flee a mad despot for the safety of the Double Deuce roadside bar in rural Missouri.
What is Mad Mad: Fury Roadhouse?