Los verbos del grupo
Los verbos del grupo "U"
Los verbos del grupo
Los verbos del grupo "UV"
Los verbos del grupo

"Yo" form of Hacer, Venir and Querer (say it in Spanish and spell it in English)

¿Qué es "hice, vine, quise"?


There are two verbs in the U group that begin with the letter "P".

¿Qué es "Poner and Poder"?


The form of the verbs Decir and Traer.

¿Qué es "dijiste and trajiste"?


The three verbs in the UV group.

¿Qué es "Tener, Estar and Andar"?


There two verbs in Spanish that are conjugated exactly the same way in the Preterite Tense, but they mean very different things!

¿Qué es "SER and IR"?


In the sentences "Hice el trabajo and Hice un problema más grande" the verb HACER has two different translations.

¿Qué es "I did the work and I made a bigger problem."?


The correct conjugation of SABER in the preterite tense for all subjects. (no vosotros)

¿Qué es "supe, supiste, supo, supimos, supieron"?


Yo form of Decir, Traer and Traducir (say it in Spanish and spell it in English)

¿Qué es "dije, traje, traduje"?


The Ellos form of Tener and Estar.

¿Qué es "tuvieron and estuvieron"?


This verb is an -AR verb that is conjugated just like an -ER or -IR verb in the past tense.  Don't put any accents on the yo or él forms though!

¿Qué es "DAR"?


HACER is an "I" verb because the "a" changes to an "I" in the stem of the verb. But there's another spelling change you have to make when you conjugate for the él, ella and usted form.

¿Qué es "hizo"?


This group has more complex spelling changes. The verbs PONER, SABER both change two letters in the stem when conjugating in the preterite. 

¿Qué es "In poner the 'on' changes to 'us', and in saber the 'ab' changes to 'up'."?


How about some translation work? How do you say Decir, Traer, Traducir and Conducir in English?

¿Qué es "To say/tell, to bring, to translate and to drive"?


The correct conjugation for the verb ANDAR for all subject. (no vosotros)

¿Qué es "anduve, anduviste, anduvo, anduvimos, anduvieron"?


Unlike all the other irregular verbs in the preterite, the yo form of these verbs do not end in the letter "e".

Name the verbs and the preterite tense YO form.

¿Qué es "SER and IR - fui"?


The correct conjugation for the verb QUERER for all subjects in the preterite tense. (no vosotros)

¿Qué es "quise, quisiste, quiso, quisimos, quisieron"?


Translate this sentence to English. "Pusimos los libros en el escritorio."

¿Qué es "We put the books on the desk."?


There is a spelling change in the Ellos, Ellas and Ustedes forms of the J group. We can see it when you conjugation of the verb "conducir". (what is the spelling change and what is the ellos form of conducir?)

¿Qué es "drop the 'i' in 'ieron'. Condujeron"?


The English translation for "No anduvieron por el parque porque estuvieron tarde y no tuvieron tiempo."

¿Qué es "They didn't walk through the park because they were late and didn't have time."?


In the sentences "Yo fui un profesor por un año" and "Yo fui al supermercado ayer" the fui has two different translations. What are they?

¿Qué es "I was and I went"?


The Spanish translation of "He didn't come to school because he didn't do his homework".

¿Qué es "él no vino a la escuela porque no hizo su tarea."?


The Spanish translation of this sentence "They could not swim because they didn't put on bathing suits."

¿Qué es "No pudieron nadar porque no pusieron los trajes de baño."?


The Spanish translation of this sentence is a challenge.

"I said hello to the boy who brought the book to my house."

¿Qué es "Dije 'hola' al niño que trajo el libro a mi casa."?


The Spanish translation of the sentence "I had a headache because I was sick."

¿Qué es tuve un dolor de cabeza porque estuve enfermo/a"?


The correct translation of these English sentences are tricky in Spanish. "They went to the beach. It was fun!"

¿Qué es "Fuimos a la playa. ¡Fue divertido!"?
