What Thursday in November do we always celebrate Thanksgiving on?
What is the 4th Thursday in November
Another name for heat waves, or summer weather that can happen, later into the fall season.
What is an Indian Summer
What do we customarily cook on Thanksgiving?
What is a turkey
What sport do people commonly watch on Sundays?
What is football
How do many people prepare for this season?
What is get out fall colored clothing; warm sweaters, jackets, hats and scarfs.
What country was the first to celebrate Halloween?
These trees stay the same color during fall?
What is the Evergreen tree
What are the two most common pies eaten on Thanksgiving?
Pumpkin Pie and Sweet Potato Pie.
What sport starts it's playoffs at the beginning of fall?
What do animals do during the fall?
Grow warmer winter coats & stock up and store nuts and leaves.
When was Thanksgiving first established in America?
What is October 1621. However, many Native Americans view Thanksgiving as a day of mourning because the pilgrims began to quickly take their land, colonize and displace many tribes.
What do birds begin to do during the fall?
What is migrate south
What do people pass out to kids on Halloween?
What is candy
What fall activity involves finding your way in a field?
Walking in a corn maze
What are the most popular fruits and vegetables eaten during the fall?
What are Onions, Potatoes, Beets, Squash, Carrots, Garlic, Pumpkin, and Turnips.
Despite it's name, this fall holiday is celebrated at the end of September.
What is Oktoberfest
What is it called when we set our clocks back an hour?
What is daylight savings time
What is commonly drank both warm and cold during this time?
What is apple cider
What is another name for the pumpkins that get carved?
What is a jack-o-lantern
Americans typically refer to this time of year as “fall,” while the British use the word “autumn.” ...
Which term do Canadians generally use to describe this time of year?
What is Autumn
Name a Religious Jewish Holiday celebrated in the Fall.
What is Sukkot. (say "sook-koht" or "sook-kuss") A week-long Jewish celebration of the fall season.
When does fall begin in the Southern Hemisphere?
In March
What are two types of potatoes eaten during a Thanksgiving dinner?
What are mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes
People enjoy going to this place to pick this fruit.
Apple Orchard
Name a Natural Source of Vitamin D.
Why do we need more Vitamin D as the days get shorter in Autumn and Winter.
What are Sunlight, Mushrooms, Milk, Yogurt, Fortified Cereal, Orange Juice, Fish and Eggs.
Sunlight provides Vitamin D and during the Fall and Winter we do not get as much sunlight.