How many people were in the Liu family?
What was a good thing about being in the swamp?
It offered trash such as plastic and an old pan.
What was a "not-so-smart" move done by Mrs. Walpole in the beginning of the adventure?
She poured their rationed water on a piece of fruit.
What does it mean to compare something?
To find what's similar between two things.
What nice thing do the winners do for the losers of the game?
They share the prize money.
What was the name of the show's host?
Berry Blue
Name one challenge of being in the rain forest?
Slipping in the underbrush or food being eaten by animals
What landed on Mrs. Walpole's hand that made her scream?
A spider
Which characters act in the same way?
Either all the kids or all the parents act the same way.
What were the families sitting around at the end of the story?
A fire
What was Mr. Garcia's injury?
He sprained his ankle.
Which family was located in the rain forest?
The Walpoles
What does Shen do that gets him to the beach?
He takes a zipline.
What does it mean to contrast something?
To find the differences between two or more things.
How does Berry Blue react to the kind act the winners do?
Her chin trembles dramatically.
What was the name of the Walpole child?
Where do Oliver and Gabriela meet?
What did the Walpoles do that their son didn't like?
They argued.
Name one similarity between the rain forest and the mangrove swamp?
Both are wet, muddy, slippery, scary.
How many days are the families on the island?
Which family won the game?
The Garcias
Where were the Garcia's located?
Mangrove swamp
Who are the problem-solvers in the book?
The kids
Who survived best on the island?
The kids - they were all similar in survival skills.
What other than humans survived on the island, according to Berry Blue?