Outdoor Sports
Weird Facts
Animal Planet

Dutch cheese that is traditionally sold as spheres with a pale yellow interior and a coat of paraffin.

a) Edam

b) Gouda

c) Beemster



Professional soccer players run about how far every game?

a) 4 miles

b) 10 miles

c) 6 miles

Soccer players get a good workout and run about 6 miles during a game.


What is a fruit with caramel on top of it?

Though Halloween has been celebrated for centuries, caramel apples didn’t make their debut until the 1950s


About how many pounds of bugs does the average human accidentally eat each year?

a) 5

b) 10

c) 15

5 lbs. Not always whole bugs, but bits and pieces, heads, legs, bodies and sometimes whole bugs.


Welsh corgis were originally bred to do what job?

a) protecting property

b) herding cattle

c) hunting rabbits

The Queen’s favourite dog was bred to herd cattle.


Carlsberg beer is from Denmark while Jarlsberg cheese is from this other Scandinavian country.

a) Finland

b) Sweden

c) Norway



Now made of plastic and rubber, golf balls were once made of ...

a) leather

b) wood

c) wax



What candy that explodes in your mouth?

a) Bam rocks

b) Pop rocks

c) Boom rocks

Pop rocks — is a hard candy in that pressurized with carbon dioxide gas bubbles.


In which country would you mostly like not find a jaguar?

a) Brazil

b) Mexico

c) Chile

Jaguars are found in Mexico, Central America and Northern part of South America but not Chile.


What celebrity was Yoda from the Star Wars Movies designed to look like?

a) Elvis Presley

b) James Dean

c) Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein!


Correct name for the cheese from Switzerland with characteristic large holes.

a) Havarti

b) Stilton

c) Emmental



These are the only two sports to have been played on the moon?

a) golf and soccer 

b) golf and football

c) golf and javelin

Shepard struck a golf ball, and Mitchell threw a javelin.


What candy's motto is "Taste the Rainbow"?

a) Skittles

b) Jolly Rancher

c) Ring Pop

Skittles were first made commercially in 1974 by a British company. 


What product is foxglove plant used for?

a) heart medicine

b) shoe polish

c) hand lotion

Chemicals taken from foxglove are used to make a prescription drug called digoxin, a heart medicine.


Which big cat doesn’t have fully retractable claws?

a) lions

b) tigers

c) cheetahs

Unlike most cats, cheetahs’ claws do not fully retract. They act more like cleats when they run.


The most popular cheese in the UK; U.S. President Andrew Jackson held an open house party where a 1,400 lb block was served.

a) Cheddar

b) Swiss

c) Colby



During the Wimbledon Championship in London, England, about how many balls are used each year?

a) 14,000

b) 36,000

c) 54,000

About 54,000 tennis balls are used each year!


What candy bar was named after a family's horse?

a) Aero

b) Snickers

c) Bounty

In 1930, Mars introduced Snickers, named after the favorite horse of the Mars family.


The shish kebab, comes from which country?

a) Turkey

b) India

c) Greece

The name of the dish is derived from the Turkish şiş, a spit or skewer, and kebab, mutton or lamb.


What body part does a butterfly use to taste food?

a) antenna 

b) feet

c) abdomen

Butterflies don't really have mouths, much less taste buds, to help them decide if food tastes good or bad. Instead, they use their feet!


A favorite component of many Italian desserts, and is made from whey, rather than milk. Is what? 

a) Cafone

b) Mozzarella

c) Ricotta

 Ricotta. The name of this cheese means 'recooked'.


In speed skating the skater must switch lanes every lap. Which skater has the right of way?

a) Whomever gets there first

b)The skater going from outside to inside lane

c)The skater going from inside to outside lane

In order to ensure the skaters are all skating the same distance, they must change lanes every lap, from the smaller inner lane to the larger outer lane. The skater who is on the outer lane has the right of way to move to the inner lane.


What temperature should you not exceed when melting chocolate?

a) 130F

b) 110F

c) 120F



How many years can an orangutang live in the wild?

a) 30

b) 40

c) 50

40 years


Which of the following animal is not nocturnal?

a) skunk

b) sheep

c) leopard 

Skunks, and leopards are active once the sun goes down. Not the sheep though they are fast — baa-sleep!
