Deep Breaths. Practice once!
Using cards with numbers, colors, and "wild cards"
People feel this way when getting a good grade on a test
Happy! Share one moment in school that made you happy.
Squeeze a ball
Stress ball
Get 4 in a row!
Connect 4!
People feel this way when not understanding what the teacher is trying to say
Listening to this helps feel relaxed.
Music. Show me your favorite song
When you use paper, scissors, or rock.
Rock, paper, scissors!
People feel this way when someone we care about moves away from us.
Physical activity to get heart rate up
Exercise. Do 10 jumping jacks!
I have a King and I am going to jump your King
Some feel this way when getting tripping and falling in front of people.
Embarrassed. Share one time you were embarrassed or helped someone when they felt embarrassed.
Using a pencil, pen, colored pencils, markets, glitter, scissors, glue, etc.
Art/drawing. Show me one piece of art you have completed.
Skins, weapons, and Tv
Some feel this way after a loooong day or school.
Tired. Name the last time you were "exhausted".