What degree of plane of the scapula?
30-45 degree
What is a normal ROM of E' flexion?
145-155 degree
What is a sign of inflammation? (4)
Redness, Pain, Warmth, Swelling
If there is inflammation at the lateral epicondyle of the elbow, what test would be positive?
Tennis elbow test
How far from the nose should the facemask of a football helmet be located?
3 finger widths
What nerve innervates infraspinatus and supraspinatus?
Where is Pronator teres?
proximal medial aspect of anterior forearm
What type of stretching is not recommended because of the potential for causing muscle soreness and possible injury when done over a period of time?
What does a positive drop-arm sign indicate?
torn rotator cuff muscle
What is the primary purpose of the Achilles tendon tape job?
To restrict the amount of DF at the ankle
What muscle supinates the forearm and flexes the shoulder?
Biceps brachii
What is the action of Flexor Carpi Ulnaris? (3)
Wrist flexion, Ulnar deviation, Elbow flexion
What muscles are involved in a seated military press?
Trapezius, pec major, serratus anterior, triceps, deltoids,
To perform MMT for the rhomboid major, the patient performs what movement?
Retraction, elevation
What muscle flexes the knee and PF the ankle?
What is the action of teres major?
S' extension, IR, ADD
What nerve innervates Flexor Carpi Radialis?
The D2 flexion pattern of the hip works what group of muscles? (3)
ABDuctor, flexor, external rotator
A patient sustains a blunt trauma injury to the upper right quadrant of the abdomen. What structure might be injured in this area?
During CPR, the adult sternum must be compressed to what depth for compression to be effective?
at least 2 inches
What muscle insetrs on lesser tuberosity?
What muscles form the cubital fossa? (2)
Brachioradialis and pronator teres
if it was determined that a 25-year-old patient should work at 80% of his maximal HR, what would be his target HR? (use a calculator!)
220-25=195 x 80%=156 BPM
What muscle grade denotes active muscle movement in gravity-eliminated position?
Foot drop may be indicative of what pathology?
Peroneal nerve injury