Bible Event
Bible Person
World Kingdom
Books of Bible
Bible Place

This event was global and resulted in only 8 humans remaining alive.

What is The Flood?


This person died for all sin for all humanity.

Who is Jesus Christ?


This ancient world kingdom enslaved the Israelites resulting in 10 plagues that decimated their economy and prosperity.

What is Ancient Egypt or Egypt?


This book of the Bible contains Hebrew poetry and songs.

What is Psalms?


Daniel and his three friends were part of the exiles taken captive to this city.

What is Babylon?


This event resulted in the Holy Spirit indwelling all believers in Christ, or Christians.

What is Pentecost?


This person was later renamed "Israel" by God and is counted as one of the three Patriarchs of the Hebrews or Israelites.

Who is Jacob?


This World Kingdom is represented as the golden head of the statue of Nebuchadnezzar's dream which Daniel interpreted for him.  It is also the kingdom to which both Daniel and Ezekiel were captives.

What is Babylon?


This book details the sacrificial system and its theme is Holiness.

What is Leviticus?

Jesus was born in this city.

What is Bethlehem?


This future event is often debated because of different beliefs in the timing of it.

What is The Rapture?


The Bible has no written record of individual wrong or sin committed by this Jewish leader.

Who is Nehemiah?


Alexander the Great advanced the domination of this World Kingdom and the spread of Hellenistic ideology within the New Testament.

What is Greece?


These four books give overlapping detail of the kings of Israel AFTER King David.

What are 1 & 2 Kings and 1 & 2 Chronicles?


Paul is originally from (born in) this city under the jurisdiction of Rome.

What is Tarsus?


These evil cities of the plains were destroyed by fire from heaven because of their sin.  Only one family was saved by God.

What are Sodom and Gomorrah?


This person prayed a famous prayer: "Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from harm so that it might not bring me pain!." And God granted what he asked.  That is all that is mentioned of this person in the Bible.

Who is Jabez?


Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea under this World Kingdom.

What is Rome?


This book has the least number of words in its ORIGINAL language (either Greek, Hebrew, or Aramaic) in the entire Bible.

What is 3 John?


Lydia, of Acts 16, was living in this city when she met Paul and his companions and subsequently believed in Christ and was baptized.

What is Phillipi?


42 young men were killed because of what they said to a bald man.

What is the mocking of Elisha?

This woman was a prostitute and was also the adulterous wife of the prophet Hosea.

Who is Gomer?


This World Kingdom took captive the Northern Kingdom of Israel (consisting of 10 of the 12 Tribes of Israel) in 722 BC.

What is Assyria?


The theme of this prophetic book of the Bible is "Israel's Plumb Line."  It is quoted 4 times in the New Testament.  It contains fewer words of hope than that of any other prophecy book.  Judgment is pronounced by God on 8 different nations in this book.

What is Amos?


The area of these two Tribes of Israel were home to Jesus as a child and were frequented by Him during His earthly ministry as a "home base."

What are Dan and Naphtali? (Northern and Northwestern end of Sea Galilee)
