Short Stories Yo
These Devices are Lit
Basic Facts
Serial Expert
Vocab Boss

Name the two authors of 'The Colomber' and 'Contents of a Dead Man's Pocket'

Dino Buzzatti and Jack Finney


Name the five elements of plot 

Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution/ Denouement


What day did Hae Min Lee go missing? 

January 13th, 1999. 


What does Sarah say is the most incriminating piece of evidence against Adnan?

the Palm Print on the back of the map- one page ripped out- the page that showed Leakin Park 

Define the word 'fabricate' AND use it in a sentence. 

invent or concoct (something), typically with deceitful intent. (can be positive or negative) 


What is the Colomber a metaphor for? (Be specific)

Fear! That you want to face but don't


Whats the difference between denotation and connotation?

Connotation - An idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning.

Denotation - The literal meaning of a word; dictionary definition.


According the state’s prosecutors, what was Adnan’s motive for his crime?

He was enraged after she damaged his honor by breaking up with him.


Describe the school Calendar from January 13th- January 19th

13th- regular school. 14th and 15th- snowdays 

16th and 17th- weekend 

18th- MLK 

19th- Back at school


Define the word 'disinter' and use it in a sentence

dig up/ discover something that has been hidden 


What is the ledge a metaphor for in Contents of a Dead Man's Pocket?

How dangerous it is to value work above family, how loose a grip Tom has on his marriage. 


Whats the difference between 3rd person limited and third person omniscient?

Omniscient: Narrator knows all the thoughts, actions, and feelings of all characters. The author may move from character to character to show how each one contributes to the plot.

Limited: Narrator knows thoughts and feelings of one character. 


Where was Hae's body found? And who found it?

Leakin Park


Name 6 people that were called from/to Adnan's phone on January 13th. 

Patrick, Jen, Nisha, Jay, Hae, Officer Adcock


Define 'besmirch' and use it in a sentence

damage the reputation of (someone or something) in the opinion of others.


Why is the story called 'Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket?

Because all that would be left to identify Tom would be the yellow sheet that is illegible to anyone but him. 


What are the four types of Conflict? (Man vs.. 

Man Vs. Society 

Man vs. Man 

Man vs. Nature 

Man vs. Self


How many phone calls were made to and from  Adnan's phone the day of Hae's murder?


Name everything that the state said happened in the 21 minutes that Adnan supposedly killed Hae

1. School is out - Adnan asks Hae for a ride 

2. Adnan gets in Hae's car 

3. Hae gets a snack 

4. They go to Best Buy 

5. Adnan strangles Hae 

6. Puts her body in the trunk 

7. Goes to best buy to call Jay at the phonebooth 


Use inundate and jarring in the same sentence

inundate: overwhelm (someone) with things or people to be dealt with/ flood 

jarring:incongruous in a striking or shocking way; clashing.


Why does Sefano want to confront the Colomber at the end of his life? 


What happens?

Stefano thinks he owes it to the Colomber to face it, he has been more loyal to him than any friend could have. 

The Colomber only wanted to give him the pearl of the sea to bless him. 


Come up with a 7 word alliteration for the Christmas season 

Figure of speech in with repeated sound of the first or second letter in a series of words, or the repetition of the same letter sounds in stressed syllables of a phrase.


Why is the Nisha call so incriminating? Name 3 reasons 

1) Only Adnan knew Nisha- placed him with Jay that afternoon 

2) She didn't have a voicemail box set up 

3) The time that it was made 


Name all the stops that Jay said him and Adnan took on their drive the afternoon of the 13th. 

7 Stops ( Start with where Jay meets Adnan) 

1-  Best Buy 

2- 1-70 Park and Ride 

3- Forest Park 

4- Cliffs at Patabsco Park 

5- School for Track 

6- Cathy's House

7- Back at School 


Use conspicuous, irrefutable, and debunk in the same sentence. 

conspicuous: standing out so as to be clearly visible.

irrefutable: impossible to deny or disprove.

debunk: expose the falseness or hollowness of (a myth, idea, or belief).
