Deaf players from around the world come and compete in this competition?
The Deaflympics
If you were to ask someone if they have done something, what sign would you use?
What are Classifier Stories?
Stories told entirely by classifiers
Where is past tense signed?
Behind you/ near your head
What is the Sign Language continuum?
When was the first Deaflympics hosted?
If someone has said they have previously done something, what two signs would they use?
Finish Experience
What are handshape stories?
Stories told using one handshape
Where is present tense signed?
Directly in front of you
What is the difference between ASL and SEE?
SEE is English on the hands, while ASL is its own language?
What is the motto of the Deaflympics?
Equal through Sports
If someone hasn't done something yet, what two signs would you use?
Not-yet Experience
What are ABC stories?
Stories that use the handshapes A-Z.
Where is future tense signed?
In front of you
What is ASL?
ASL is a language with its own grammar and syntax
Who invented the football huddle?
Paul Hubbard
The sign finish is accompanied by what NMS?
What are number stories?
Stories told using numbers, usually 1-10
Where are tense markers signed?
Beginning of the sentence
What is PSE?
Pidgen Signed English; ASL signs in English order
What are the five parameters?
Palm orientation, Facial expression, location, handshape, and movement
What are narratives?
Stories told in ASL that usually relate to the Deaf experience
If a sentence does not have a tense, what does that mean?
The sentence is in present tense
What is SEE?
Signed Exact English; English sentences are put onto the hands using signs for words, prefixes, and suffixes.