What do wen need to do to avoid simultaneous handling of a case?
Assign to Me
How do we send a proposal via mail?
OFN/PR1-EML-Mail Address
Name the tool issuing invoices.
Name the tool to assist you with step-by-step guidance to process actions in SalesForce
Walk Me Through
How do we manually create a past date pricing on a partially flown PNR?
Name the box where we can apply for online fee on the Legacy Checkout Page
Internal Comments regarding Invoicing
What is the Promise/Slogan of Salesforce?
Know Me, Remember Me, Get it Right First Time
What addition do we put into our FXD command to get recommendations displayed up to a certain price?
What type of fee is getting charged for paid seats on a LCC booking?
Billback Fee
What case status will be displayed when you have send a mail to a supplier
Waiting for Response
How can we forward an EMD to a client via mail?
EMR/EPR-EML-Mail Address
Which four features on Tool Tab are visible for all users?
Help Centre
Egencia Travel Advisor
Customer Invoice Care
My Invoices
Where can we find the features Send/Reply Email, Comment, New Task, Log Call, Close Case, On Hold?
Activity/Communication Tab
Which command do we type inn to display a list of airlines having implemented fare families?
If set up in the company, who needs to give permission to travel to high risk destinations
Security Approver