This creature is considered to be the biggest animal we can find in the sea. Some types we have are the humpback, blue, sperm and orca
This slimy creature is usually found In the garden and can leave a slimy trail behind it. It is sometimes refereed to a snail without a home
This is the state that you are currently in
This item usually is placed on a night stand. Its purpose is for providing a light source and is usually covered by a shade
This is the other ingredient opposite of Peanut butter in a PB and J
This ocean creature is often referred to as a ocean puppy. It is usually very smooth and kind of chubby
These creatures are known as the kings of the jungle. They have long flowing manes and a ferocious roar
This state is very cold year round. It is not connected to the rest of the United States and does not have that many residents
This person is in charge of flying the plane
This blue fruit is very good for you. It can be put in smoothies and is what Violet turned into in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
This creature can turn its hard 170 degrees, has a large wind span and is usually a symbol of wisdom. It also has large yellow eyes and big claws
This ocean creature has big claws and is caught in traps that are signified by different colored buoys. They are also a very common food in my state and never stop growing
This southern state is where Disney land is located and it tends to be quite warm there
This is what we do each night. Hopefully we get 8 hours of this and when we wake up we are rested
This sour fruit is usually served as a beverage after it has been juiced and sugar has been added
This slimy creatures is usually found in the garden and is referred to as a slug with a home. Gary from SpongeBob is one of these
This scaly creature is very big and has sharp teeth. It is often mixed up with an alligator and is the mascot for a shoe that has a lot of holes in it
This southern state is on the opposite side of the country on the West coast. It is usually very sunny there and it is home to Hollywood and Disney World
This shines substance is what we usually add to something to make it extra special. It is very small and can be very annoying to pick up
This old time candy usually came in a rope and was either black or red. Now it is usually red and is eaten at the movie theaters
This is a the name of the animal family that snakes, lizards, Gila monsters and alligators are part of
This large strong creature is usually found in Florida and has a set of large sharp teeth. It is often mistaken for a crocodile
This southern state is known for its intense celebration of Mardi Gras each year
This is a very fun summer activity that involves a slide, water and sometimes some bubbles to make it extra slippery
Slip and Slide
This sweet treat looks similar to a cloud and is made of a lot of sugary strands
Candy floss