What does the professional group teach you?
The professional group teach you to how to get involve in collages prepare you for your future collages.
What is the school's animal name?
In high school, you can take some courses for college credit. What is the name of these courses
Advanced placement (AP)
who was the first president of the United States of America
George Washinton
What's Ms. Pena purpose in LIA.
She guided us and make us to be better and make us to become a better leader.
What is the name of the school's principal?
Brad fatout
Name two topic in Naviance
Home, Collages, Careers, About me, My planner
What can you apply for to get money for college that doesn't have paid back?
Grand and schoolarships
How many continents are there?
How many committees are in LIA? And name them.
There are 3 comittees and there are
How many service hours you need to graduate?
40 hours
What's the purpose of Naviance?
It's a program that helps student finding new collages and matching institution.
What a name is the name of 4-year degree?
Bachelor's degree
What artist collaborated with adidas to create a brand named Yeezy?
Kanye west.
What is the name of the CEO of LIA and what year he founded LIA
Jose Enriquez, 2001
What is the name of one of the BRACE advisors?
Ms. Longhi or Ms. Hartzell
Where can you find what assessments you've taken, what surveys you've taken, and academic information.
About me page
What is a 2-year collage degree called?
Associate's degree
What show in Netflix is about a bank heist in Spain?
Money Heist
What are the name of all vice-presidents and the name of the president?
our vice presidents name are:
And the the president name is:
How many credits you need to graduate?
24 credits
What survey assesses 10 talent themes for induvial and identifies each student's three strongest talent's?
Strengths Explorer
What does FAFSA stand for?
Free application for federal student aid
What city was abandoned due to leakage of radioactive material into the environment?
Chernobyl and Pripyat