This document is updated annually for students receiving special education by a team.
What is IEP (individualized education plan)
Providers including speech and language, occupational therapy, social work.
Who are related service providers?
When two or more educators share the instruction for a single group of students, typically in a single setting classroom.
What is co-teaching?
Assessments designed to measure whether students have attained learning standards, also known as criterion referenced.
What are high stakes tests?
The variety of teaching and learning strategies that are necessary to meet the range of needs evident in any given classroom.
What is differentiated instruction?
What is an accommodation?
Individuals to assist teachers and others in provision of services to students with disabilities.
Who are paraprofessionals?
When three groups of students are arranged, two teacher facilitate and a third independent.
What is station teaching?
Can include intelligence tests and test related to learning disabilities.
What are psychological tests?
Involved classroom management, classroom groupings, classroom climate, and behavior management.
What is "I" identify classroom demands?
Tailored to meet the needs to individual student with a disability, it is monitored closely and student progress related to it must be document.
What is SDI (specially designed instruction)?
Expert similar to that of a counselor in terms of being able to help teachers and students address social and emotional issues.
Who is a social worker?
When two teachers divide the classroom into heterogeneous class groups and each instruct half the class.
What is parallel teaching?
Assessments given to students with disabilities who typically work on a more individualized curriculum and do not have to meet the same requirements as those graduating with a standard diploma.
What are alternate assessments (PASA)?
Analyzing student strengths, in view of the instructional demands.
What is "C" - check for potential paths to student success?
Blended system that enables educators to coordinate their work and focus their efforts to help all their students succeed.
MTSS (multi-tiered systems of support)
A team of individuals that assumes responsibility for making educational decisions regarding students.
What is the MDT (multi-disciplinary team)?
One teacher is leading the lesson while the other is quietly assisting throughout the lesson.
What is one teach, one assist.
Method of measuring students' levels of achievement in terms of what they are taught in the classroom, repeatedly over time.
What are curriculum based assessments (CBA)?
Once an accommodation or strategy has been put into place, it is important to determine student progress?
What is "E" evaluate student progress?
Education should be provided at no cost to parents and should be specifically designed to meet special needs. Student with disabilities entitled to attend public schools.
What is FAPE (free appropriate public education)?
What is a residential facility?
Based on the notion that outcomes are best for students when their families perspective are respected, input is sought, and school professionals assist families get information needed to make the best decisions for children
What are family centered practices?
A process that involves deciding what level to begin instruction for students.
What is curriculum placement?
The time it takes to change from one activity to another.
What is transition time?