What does the term GG stand for?
What is Good Game.
Finish this meme "Corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture"
What is "They're the same picture"
The term meaning to share a post.
What is "retweet" (RT)?
A pejorative term used in the U.S. when describing a woman who believes they are entitled and their demands their needs before anybody else.
"What is a Karen?"
The term people began using to refer to stimulus checks in 2020
What is "stimmy"?
Meaning of the term Dog Water.
What is being terrible at the game.
The Gorillas who was killed after a child fell into its enclosure.
Who is Harambe.
Slang for "details"
What is "deets"?
A girl who tries to impress other guys by acting like "they are not like other girls"
"What is Pick me girl?"
An adjective used to describe when one's outfit is fire and/or swag
What is "drip"?
Reason for calling a player a sweat.
What is someone trying very hard.
Term used for the man who says "I don't always...but when I do..."
Who is the most interesting man in the world.
A term meaning a deleted post.
What is "detweet"?
Someone who does way too much for the person they have a crush on or they like
"What is a simp?"
This is often said when something is relatable
What is "mood"?
When a player dies several times to the other team.
What is feeding.
Singer of the Rick Roll meme song Never Gonna Give You Up
Who is Rick Astley
A term meaning a post that makes a reference to another user without explicitly stating the name.
What is "subtweet"?
A trend in tik-tok as in showing hey check this out or look at this?
"What is Check?"
The feeling you get from a person, place, or thing. Typically starts with “good” or “bad”
What is "vibe"?
The term is used for something that is amazing.
What is Poggers.
What year did the song "What does the fox say"? come out?
When is 2013.
A term meaning something posted by a drunk person.
What is "dweet"?
A beautiful desirable person that everybody wants to be or be with
"What is a Heather?"
Another word for the pandemic; largely used as a way to redact the word pandemic
What is "panoramic"?