To make an arrangement with someone to do something knowing that the time or date may need to be changed
pencil in
A synonym to engrossing, very interesting, fascinating, and intriguing; at the same time, it can be a synonym to convincing and persuasive
The party was nothing to write home ___________. I should have stayed in.
To obtain information by questioning someone who is better informed about a subject than oneself
pick one's brain
To speak angrily to someone because they have done something wrong
tell off
The opposite to criticised, unacknowledged, unsung
Her eyes quickly became accustomed ___________ the dark.
To understand that something is likely to be untrue or incorrect
Take sth with a grain of salt
If a machine does not perform as well as it should, it ....
act up
Not clearly expressed, known, described, or decided
The kitchen is crying out ____________ a coat of paint.
To be what everyone is talking about
be talk of the town
To decide that a planned event will not happen, or to end an activity because it is no longer useful or possible
call off
He experienced the a___________ of divorce after 10 years of marriage.
I think she heard about the job ____________ word of mouth.
Something causes problems and difficulties at first but later you realize that it was the best thing that could have happened
a blessing in disguise
To fail to happen
fall through
An insulting remark that is intended to make someone look stupid
Our two cats are so alike, I can never tell one __________ the other.
To do something that prevents a plan or activity from succeeding
throw a (monkey) wrench in the works