The High School Program
Academic Policies
Courses, Guidelines, & Requirements
HSLA Fun Facts

How a scholar qualifies for the STEM Academy Program

What is perform in the top 20% of their STEM courses?

What percentage of scholars' year-long GPA is 2nd quarter?
What is 25%?

This amount of credits is required in each core subject area (Math, Science, English, and History) in order to graduate from HSLA.

What is 4?


A 10th grade scholar is interested in becoming a doctor or nurse. This is the strategy you would give them to have the best chance of achieving this goal.

What is taking the most rigorous STEM coursework available, and working towards AP Calculus, AP Biology, and AP Chemistry?


This is the floor the Lake is on.

What is floor 3?


A scholar can use one of the following to fulfill their English exam requirement.

What is AP English Literature and ELA Regents?


This is what happens if a scholar fails more than two academic courses during high school.

What is take an additional year of high school in order to reach 23 credits?


This is the standard year to take Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.

What is 11th grade?


A 9th grade scholar is interested in becoming a doctor or nurse. This is the strategy that would give them the best chances of achieving this goal.

What is using their "Graduation Planning Template" to chart a course for the most rigorous STEM coursework available, and working towards AP Calculus, AP Biology, and AP Chemistry?


This is how many schools are co-located in the building on 33rd street.

3 schools


Every scholar must take these History classes.

What is Pre-Modern World History and AP World History?


This is what happens if a scholar fails to sit for an external exam in a course that requires this exam. 

What is earn the lowest score on the exam? (i.e., AP score of a 1).


The amount of Arts, Athletics, & Academic Elective credits scholars need to graduate.

What is 7?


This is how a scholar qualifies for Choir 400: Chamber Chorale.

What is complete Choir 300: Bel Canto and audition for the course?


This is the name of one of the printers in the TWR.

What is Porcupine or Pheasant?


In order for a junior to matriculate to senior year, they must do the following.

Earn at least 11 core content credits AND pass at least 5 external exams.


This is the passing score for all College Board AP exams.

What is a 3?


This is when scholars can begin taking pre-med courses.

What is 9th grade?


A scholar earns an 84% average in Honors Principles of Chemistry.  This would be their final cumulative grade be after applying the honors weight.

What is 88.2%?


This is the floor the gym is on.

What is the 9th floor?


This is how you earn an Honor's diploma.

What is be in the top 10% of the senior class in terms of weighted GPA? 
This is the latest a scholar can change a core academic class for Semester 1.
What is the last day of Quarter 1 for academic core courses?

This is the prerequisite to take AP Macroeconomics.

What is AP World History?


Scholar A earned an 80% in Principles of Biology, an 84% in Geometry, an 87% in Pre-Modern World History, and a 90% in Freshman Reading and Comprehension. This is their cumulative core GPA for the year.

What is 3.15?


These are the floors we have access to in the building (must name all of them correctly).

What is floor 1, floor 3, floor 4, floor 6, and floor 9?
