You should brush your teeth at least this many times daily
What is twice per day?
You should shower this often
What is every day or every other day?
True or false: Your hair is made up of dead cells
True! Hair is made up of old, dead cells being pushed out through your scalp.
Your skin protects your body from germs
Plaque, gum infections (gum disease), and bad breath are all caused by this
What is bacteria buildup?
If you do not clean your skin, oil can clog your pores and cause ________
What is acne (blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples)?
Itchy & small flakes on your scalp that can be treated with special shampoos are called.
What is dandruff?
Picking and squeezing at a zit will help it go away.
FALSE. Picking and squeezing pimples can make them more inflamed and even infected and can lead to scarring. If you have a breakout, keep your face clean and try to leave the pimples alone.
Eating a lot of this kind of food increases your risk of cavities.
What is sugar? (If you have a sweet tooth, just be sure to brush your teeth extra well after eating sweets)
This is the largest organ in the human body.
What is skin?
You should wash your hair this often
What is every day to once every other week, depending on your type of hair?
Sweating keeps your body hot.
FALSE, sweating keeps you cool. When sweat evaporates from the surface of your skin, it removes excess heat & cools your skin.
You should floss at least this often
What is once per day?
You need to wash your hands for this long.
What is 20 seconds?
This is something you can put in your hair to make combing easier.
What is detangler?
Deodorant prevents sweating
False! Deodorant just keeps your sweat smelling better. If you want to control how much sweat your armpits produce, you need a deodorant that is also an antiperspirant.