Delegation Station
Motivation Nation
Motivational Theories
Group Think

According to the Five Rights of Delegation, this right requires the nurse to provide appropriate monitoring, evaluation, intervention (as needed), and feedback.

What is the Right Level of Supervision?


Offering *THESE* in defined categories, even when the categories are meaningless, can increase motivation because the very act of segmenting these appears to motivate people to perform better.

What are rewards?


He believed that people are motivated to satisfy certain needs, ranging from basic survival to complex psychological needs, and that people seek a higher need only when the lower needs have been predominantly met.

Who is Abraham Maslow?


Management theorists proposed a sequence that each group must go through to achieve success: forming, storming, norming, and finally, *THIS*.

What is performing?


This calls for strict protections and privacy of medical information and requires putting in place mechanisms and accountabilities to protect patients’ privacy. Violations can result in significant fines for a facility.

What is The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)?


This common delegation error frequently stems from the individual’s false assumption that delegation may be interpreted as a lack of ability on his or her part to do the job correctly or completely.

What is underdelegating?


This has been shown to have a positive effect on employee motivation, whereas recruitment from outside the organization allows for new ideas and prevents stagnation.

What is recruitment from within the organization?


B.F. Skinner called elements that encourage behavior 'reinforcers' and those responses that decrease the likelihood of behavior, *THESE*.  

What are punishers?


A lack of *THIS* type of skill lies at the root of many problems because it can lead to mistakes, quality problems, conflict, missed deadlines, and lost opportunities.

What is communication?


This is a digital record of a patient’s health history that may be made up of records from many locations and/or sources, such as hospitals, providers, clinics, and public health agencies.

What is the electronic health record (EHR)?


The RN who delegates care to a competent *THIS* does NOT have the same legal obligation to closely supervise that person’s work as when the care is delegated to a nursing assistive personnel (NAP).

What is another RN?


This effect is the cognitive bias of people to value something more if they put effort and labor into it.

What is IKEA?


Frederick Herzberg believed *THESE* factors keep employees from being dissatisfied or demotivated but do not act as real motivators.

What are hygiene or maintenance factors?


When analyzing communication, *THIS* type of climate includes the values, feelings, temperament, and stress levels of the sender and the receiver.

What is internal climate?


Communication and *THIS* are intertwined because *THESE* activities encourage trust, cooperation, and communication within a group, and improving communication enhances how workers interact with one another.

What is team building?


*THESE* include bathing, providing personal hygiene, collecting urine samples, assisting with ambulation, taking vital signs, ADLs, and taking capillary blood sugars.


What are tasks that can be delegated to a NAP?


This is the term used to describe an employee’s emotional commitment to the organization and its goals.

What is employee engagement?


McClelland’s studies state that all people are motivated by three basic needs: achievement, affiliation, and *THIS*.

What is power?


Senders should seek *THIS* regarding whether their communication was accurately received. One way to do this is to ask the receiver to repeat the communication or instructions.

What is feedback?


The right to do *THIS* and the ability to provide formal rewards for successful completion of delegated tasks are a reflection of the legitimate authority inherent in the management role.

What is delegate?


Although *THIS* established regulations for the education and certification of “certified nurse’s aides” (minimum of 75 hours of theory and practice and successful completion of an examination in both areas), no federal or community standards have been established for training the more broadly defined NAP.

What is the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987?


This term is defined as giving employees the ability to make decisions and encouraging them to challenge the status quo, which is critical for organizations to avoid obsolescence in fast-changing, technology-driven environments.

What is employee empowerment?


This person's expectancy model says that people’s expectations about their environment or a certain event will influence their behavior.

Who is Vroom?


This type of communication is considered more reliable than verbal communication because it conveys the emotional part of the message.

What is non-verbal?


This is something you plan to do as an activity to support self-care as a nurse.

What is what you just said?
