Food Chains
Biotic Factor

Leaf->Catepillar->Bird-> Hawk

In the food chain above the producer is?

What is a Leaf?


Organisms that eat both plants and animals.

What is an omnivore? 


The term that describes two organisms that have the same food source. 

What is competition?


Organisms that create their own food and energy through photosynthesis.

What is a producer?


The consumer that relies on the primary consumer as a source of food.

What is the secondary consumer? 


Corn->Cricket -> Lizard -> Snake

In the food chain above the snake is considered what?

What is the tertiary consumer?


An organism that is considered the foundation of an ecosystem. 

What is a producer?


The abiotic factor that determines the amount of vegetation in any area and is typically abosrbed through the roots of plants. 

What is water?


An organism that hunts other animals. 

What is a predator? 


an organism that provides another animal food. 

What is prey? 


The grass is the producer in this ecosystem. 

The lion is the secondary consumer. 

The deer is the herbivore in this ecosystem. 

Draw the food chain that represents this?

(Students webs may Vary)


A snowshoe hare lives in the Tundra and has white fur. This fur helps it blend in with the snow and hide from predators. This is an example of a(n):

What is adaption?


All energy in an ecosytem comes from

What is the sun?


An organism that can be found at any level of a food chain or web. 

What is a decomposer? 


What is the term for an organism that benefits from its relationship with another organism, when that organism is harmed?

What is parasitic?


Berries and grass are the producers is this ecosystem.

The Deer and Insect compete for berries. 

The Rabbit does not compete with any other organism for grass. 

The Rabbit is eaten by the mink and the skunk. 

The Deer are eaten by the Wolverine. 

The Insect and Rabbit are eaten by the Skunk.

The Great Horned Owl, Snowy Owl and Arctic Fox compete for the Mink.

The Arctic Fox eats the Wolverine, Ermine and Mink

The Hawk competes with the Arctic Fox for the Mink

The Snake eats the Skunk and the Great Horned Owl.

Draw the food web that represents this?

( Student answers may vary)


Oxpeckers land on rhinos or zebras backs and eat ticks and other parasites that live on their skin. The oxpeckers get food and the zebra get pest control. Also, when there is danger, the oxpeckers fly upward and scream a warning, which helps the zebra be aware of predators.

What is mutualism?


The chemicals that come out of plants after photosynthesis

What is gluclose and oxygen?

The process in which an organism takes in water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight and give off oxygen and sugar.

What is photosynthesis? 


If the deer are hunted by the wolf and the wolf population increases, what can you predict will happen to the deer population?

What is population decreases?


Berries and Plantains are the foundation of this ecosystem.  
The grasshopper and rabbit compete for the plantain. 

The grasshopper also competes with the greenfly and the butterfly for the berries. 

The butterfly and grasshopper are both eaten by the frog. 

The green fly is eaten by the ladybird, which is eaten by the dragonfly. 

The buzzard and fox compete for the rabbit.

The buzzard also eats the snake, who gets its energy from the snake. 

**Create a food web that describes this ecosystem**

( Students answers may vary)


In an ecosystem where there are three different producers, what would happen to the consumers in the environment if one of the producers began to die off. 

Students answers may vary. Students should list at least two different things.


The equation for photosynthesis

What is 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2 ?


A symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits but the other is unaffected. 

What is commensalism?


If the top predator in a ecosystem starte to die off, how would this impact the other living organisms? Give an example. 

Answers may vary. Students need to answer both parts. 
