what is a "suit"
This is attached to your shoulder
what is "Arm"
der Tisch
what is "grau"
Musik Spielen
what is "play music"
die Armbanduhr
what is a "watch"
You eat using this
what is "Mund"
der Papierkorb
the sun is very bright..
what is "hell"
what is "dance"
der Regenschirm
what is an "umbrella"
what is a throat?
what is "Hals"
die Steckdose
the world is very colorful...
what is "bunt"
ins Kino Gehen
what is "to go to the movies"
die Halskette
what is "necklace"
you put lipstick on your ...
what is "Lippen"
der Lehre/Lehrerin
Teacher (male vs female)
die Nacht ist
Fahrrad Fahren
what is "to ride a bicycle"
die Badeanzug
what is a "swimsuit"
your bottom is called ...
what is "Po"
der Felzstift
what is a "marker"
teal is a mix of..
blau und grün
what is "draw"