Forces and Motion
Organisms and their Traits

Matter that has a definite volume but no definite shape is:

A. solid

B. liquid

C. gas

B. Liquid


Forces that cause a change in motion are known as:

A. balanced forces

B. unbalanced forces

C. magic forces

B. unbalanced forces


Any characteristic that helps an organism live and survive is considered to be a(n):

A. adaptation

B. inherited trait

C. instinct

A. adaptation


The remains or traces of a plant or animal that lived long ago is a:

A. cast

B. fossil

C. extinct

B. fossil


Together, a star and all the planets and other objects orbiting it form a:

A. galaxy

B. solar eclipse

C. solar system

C. solar system


True or False: at temperatures above 100 degrees Celsius, water is typically in solid form

False: Gas


True or False: A force that opposes motion and acts between two objects that are touching is gravity

False: friction


True or False: A behavior that needs to be taught is an instinct

False: learned behavior


Fill in the blank: When the last of its kind dies, a species is considered (blank)



List the planets in order from the sun

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune


What is it called when water vapor turns into liquid water?

A. Melting

B. Evaporating

C. Condensing 

C. Condensing 


What two factors affect the force of gravity?

mass and distance


Which statement about the behavior of living things is true:

A. only plants have instincts

B. Both plants and animals have learned behaviors

C. Only animals have learned behaviors

C. Only animals have learned behaviors


Choose the term that best completes the sentence:

An impression of an organism, formed when sediment hardens around the organism, is a (cast/mold)



What color star is the hottest?

What size star is the brightest?

Color: Blue

Size: Large


Which of the following is a physical property of matter?

A. ability to burn

B. ability to rust

C. ability to dissolve

C. Ability to dissolve


Describe all three of Newton's laws of motion

1. An object in motion stays in motion and an object at rest stays at rest unless acted upon by an unbalanced force

2. An object's acceleration depends on two factors, the amount of force applied to the object, and the objects mass. Otherwise known as F=MxA

3. Forces always act in pairs, every action has an equal and opposite reaction


The following steps describe how an antlion gets food: 1. Antlion builds a pit in the sand. 2. Antlion waits inside the pit. 3. Ant falls into the pit. 4. Antlion eats the ant. What do these steps suggest about the antlion?

A. The antlion uses mimicry to catch prey

B. The antlion uses behavioral adaptations to catch prey

C. The antlion lives on a diet of both plants and animals

B. The antlion uses behavioral adaptations to catch prey


Josh read about a land animal whose fossils were found in similar rock layers in Africa and South America. What can he conclude from this discovery?

The landmasses were once joined


list the 4 types of galaxies we have discussed. What type of galaxy is the Milky Way galaxy?

spiral galaxy, barred spiral galaxy, elliptical galaxy, irregular galaxy. Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy


Mia is having a picnic. She will provide orange juice, unsweetened tea, and soda. She plans to make peanut butter sandwiches and trail mix. She will also make some gelatin with bananas in it. Which of the items are mixtures and which are solutions. Include all items in your response

Mixtures: orange juice, sandwiches, trail mix, gelatin 

Solutions: unsweetened tea, soda


Define inertia and identify which of Newton's three laws inertia is used to explain. 

inertia is the behavioral pattern or tendency of objects to resist a change in motion. Inertia is explained in Newton's first law


A population of white rabbits lives in a snowy mountain environment. Hawks that fly high in the air hunt the rabbits. Predict how the population of white rabbits might change if the climate on the mountain changed and there was no snow for a long period of time



Two students are planning to give a presentation about fossils to the class. Ronda must explain how scientists use the fossil record to learn about ancient environments. Explain at least two things that she should include in her presentation


Explain the difference between rotation and revolution. What would happen if Earth did not rotate on its axis as it orbited the sun?

Rotation- spin on its axis

Revolve- go around an object

We would not have night and day every 24 hours
