The process by which molecules move from an area of higher concentration to one with lower concentration
What is Diffusion?
The rigid supporting layer that surrounds plant cells
What is Cell Wall?
The type of cell has organelles that use energy from the sun to make energy-rich food molecules
What is the Plant Cell?
Means some substances can cross the membrane while others cannot
What is Selectively Permeable?
The clear gel like fluid that is between the membrane and nucleus.
What is Cytoplasm?
The two different organelles that are found in plant cells, but not animal cells
What is Cell Wall and Chloroplasts?
The diffusion of water molecules across a selectively permeable membrane
What is Osmosis?
A tiny cell structure that carries out a specific function with in the cell
What is Organelle?
The first part of the Cell Theory
What is All Living Things are Made of Cells?
Large particles leaving the cell
What is Exocytosis?
The powerhouses of the cell that convert energy from food to use
What is Mitochondria?
The second part of the cell theory
What is Cells are the Basic Unit of Life?
A process in which the cell membrane takes particles into the cell by changing shape and engulfing the particles
What is Endocytosis?
An organelle in the cells of plants and other organisms that capture energy from the sun
What is Chloroplast?
The third part of the cell theory
What is Cells Come From Cells?