What is the name of the customer and his friend?
(30 seconds)
Mike and ahmed
Where did ahmed write on the paper?
(30 seconds)
at the bottom of the paper
What happened to Ahmeds wallet?
(30 seconds)
it got stolen
Where are Ahmed and Michael going?
(30 seconds)
The jewelry store
why am i so hungry?
(30 seconds)
because i didnt eat anything all day
What time does the bank open?
(30 seconds)
What did ahmed write on the paper?
(30 seconds)
He wrote his name and signed
How long did Ahmed wait for his turn?
(answer in arabic)
(1 minute)
ثلث ساعة
a third of an hour
Why are they there?
(30 seconds)
so Michael can buy jewelry for his family
(answer in arabic)
(60 seconds)
مائة وعشرة
How much was Mike's check worth?
(30 seconds)
How much money is Ahmed opening an account with?
(30 seconds)
600 dinar
Why is Ahmed at the bank?
(30 seconds)
he wanted to get his debit card cancelled
What does Ahmed buy?
(30 seconds)
trick question Ahmed doesn't buy anything
why is dark spelled with a k and not a c?
(30 seconds)
because you cant c in the dark
What is the Turkish currency?
(answer in Arabic)
(1 minute)
What other two items does Ahmed request along with opening a bank account?
(answer in Arabic)
(90 seconds)
بطاقة الخصم ودفتر الشيكات
Debit card and check book
Where was Ahmed when his wallet was stolen?
(answer in Arabic)
(1 minute)
كان في مطعم
he was at he restaurant
What does Michael buy?
(60 seconds)
1 bracelet, 3 rings, and an anklet.
is water wet?
(answer in Arabic)
(30 seconds)
What is 2346 in Arabic?
(90 seconds)
ألفان وثلاثمائة وستة وأربعون
Where did Ahmed go and why?
(answer in Arabic)
(2 minutes)
ذهب إلى البنك لفتح حساب جديد
he went to the bank
Where was Ahmed's pin number written?
(answer in Arabic)
(2 minutes)
على قطعة من الورق في محفظته
on a piece of paper in his wallet
How much does a gram of gold cost in dinars?
(answer in Arabic)
(90 seconds)
ستة عشر دينارا
What breed is my cat?
(30 seconds)
Snowshoe Siamese