SAT words
Soft Skills
Financial Aid

What does the word discredit mean? 

To prove something untrue

Name two ways to help manage stress

Reflection, mindfulness, deep breathing, writing in a planner, exercising, time management, asking for help, set boundaries, take a walk, eat healthy, meditate, etc. 


How can you learn more about careers in order to decide what college or major you should choose? Name 2

Google search, Virtual Job Shadow, YouTube, ask people you know, ask your TRIO Advisor, TRIO's Google Sites page, take an assessment, ONet online, Occupational Handbook, Job Shadows, Informational Interviews, etc. 


Name 2 reasons why is note-taking important?

It helps you remember concepts, you can gain a better understanding of the topics, ensures that you are actively listening, requires you to think about what you are writing, helps you to make connections between topics, leads to less stress when test time comes.


Do you have to pay back FAFSA? (for any reason?)

Not if you receive some sort of degree or certificate. 

If you do not complete a degree/certificate program within 6 years you do have to pay back FAFSA


True or False:

The word abstain means to dislike something.


To refrain from doing somethinig


What is one way you can ensure you are getting enough sleep?

Go to bed early, set an alarm, calculate how many hours before you need to wake up and go to bed 8-10 hours before, have a scheduled time for naps.


What is the specific program you choose to study at college?



What are two things you can do to keep organized?

Color Coding, Separate Subjects, Use a Checklist, Set Reminders in your Phone, Use Sticky Notes, Plan for the Upcoming Week, Use a planner/calendar


What is a college scholarship and how do you get it?

Free Money For College! Given to students for good grades, sports, Leadership, or community services.


True or False: 

Forbearance means "To have a clear direction you are headed in." 


To posess self-control, patience, restraint and tolerance.


What is something healthy you can do for yourself? 

Read a book, listen to music, listen to a podcast, hang out with a friend/family, play a game, turn off social media and disconnect, get organized, exercise, laugh, join a club, play a sport, play music, meditate etc. 


What comes first, a Bachelor's degree or an Associate's degree?  Do you need both?

You can go for your Associates's degree first and then transfer to a Bachelor's program.  You do not need to have an Associates.  Many people go straight for their Bachelor's Degree.  An Associate's usually takes 2 years full time and a Bachelor's (an additional 2 years) or 4 years straight (full time).


If you are struggling in a subject/class, list two things you can do. 

Ask your teacher for help, sign up for tutoring, talk to your school counselor, reflect on if there is anything you can do differently (ex. prioritize, study, set more time aside, take notes, write down assignments in calendar, etc.) Ask your TRIO advisor for support. 


What is a grant?  Do you have to pay it back? 

Money given for a specific purpose, usually by a governmental agency or community group. So students applying to colleges and graduate school may apply for grants to help them pay for tuition.  


Two grants to note: The PELL grant (received through FAFSA application) and TIP (Tuition Incentive Plan)


What does benevolent mean? 

a. Expressing goodwill or kind feelings

b. Joking in a playful manner

c. Truthful and honest

a. well meaning, expressing goodwill or kindly feelings, the desire to help. 


Name two reasons wellness is important. 

It reduces stress/anxiety, creates a happier you, helps you focus more, it can help you to improve your grades and achieve your goals, reduces absences, boosts your self-esteem, boosts productivity, etc. 

Name one of the two universities in MI that offer TRIO scholarships.

GVSU - Early Awareness Scholarship

WMU - MLK Gold Scholarship


List 2 ways you can prioritize.

By the due date, how much time is needed, how hard or easy the assignment/subject is for you.


What is work-study and how is it beneficial to you and your college?

Work-study is a federal program that provides part-time jobs for students on campus. This benefits students in need of extra money to pay for classes and it provides the colleges with student employees.


What does the word amicable mean? 

A. having more care for others than oneself

B. To be appreciative

C. Having an agreeable personality

C. having an agreeable or pleasing personality. 


What are two things you can do to boost your self-confidence? 

Ditch the negative self-talk, stop comparing yourself to others, use positive words of affirmation, be kind to yourself, put up positive sticky notes in your room, choose supportive friends, write down your accomplishments, look for the positives, do kind acts for others, stay away from negativity, don't accept failure and keep trying, be prepared, etc. 


What are 2 things to consider to see if a certain college/university is right for you?

Campus location (near home, a city, a ski resort). Campus size (small, medium, or large). Programs of study/majors. Sports or clubs. Cost


What is the best way to complete a long-term assignment on time?

Break projects into smaller more manageable pieces.


Where can you go to find scholarships?

University websites, ask your school counselor or teachers, search local scholarships, google search, TRIO Advisors/program - following our IG/FB and google sites pages!!
