The number of books in the Christian Greek scriptures
What is 27?
The two apps for learning a different language
What is JW Library Sign Language & JW Language?
The latest brochure
What is: Enjoy Life Forever! Introductory Bible Lessons?
The main reason for our preaching
What is to glorify God and make known his name?
I was lent to Jehovah and encouraged to make God’s service my career
Who is Samuel?
The number of books in the Hebrew Scriptures
What is 39?
The total number of languages available
What is 767?
We have a total number of these handbill tracts
What is 8?
The number of songs in our Sing out Joyfully book that has the word “Preach”
What is 3? (Preaching to All Sorts of People, Preach the Word, Preparing to Preach)
I am the wife of Moses
Who is Zipporah?
The length of time that the Bible was written
What is over 1,600 years?
Learning another language can test this
What is self-discipline and humility? (Young People Ask- Why Learn a New Language)
I was published in 1996
What is The Secret of Family Happiness?
The different methods of preaching
What is: door to door, telephone, informal, letter writing, prison witnessing, harbor witnessing, SMPW?
I am the father of Samson
Who is Manoah?
The number of writers for the Bible
What is some 40 men?
On this day in history disciples in Jerusalem began speaking in many languages
What is Pentecost 33 C.E.?
The year the first Yearbook came out
What is 1970?
The date that many started using ZOOM for the meetings and preaching due to COVID-19
What is March 22, 2020?
I am an apostle who did not remain single
Who is Peter?
The Torah
What is the first five books of the Bible, the Pentateuch, the Book of the Law of Moses, teaching or law?
The latest languages available
What is Inuktitut (Roman & Syllabics from Eastern Canada) and Sonngomeno (Bantu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo)?
I am Chapter 19 of the Teach Us Book
What is Stay Close to Jehovah?
This is when SMPW was first initiated
What is November 2011?
I am an orphan who became a Persian queen
Who is Esther?