bad tempered or moody
What event is happening on May 28, 1949?
The Bat 6 game
What is Shazam’s punishment?
Shazam has to do community service
Darlene says, "In despite of our differences, we girls were all regular. That's the point."
They're just normal.
What does Kate's excitement about the refrigerator tell you about the way of life back in 1949?
They did not have refrigerators; most people had iceboxes.
internment camp
a detention center where prisoners of war or other people considered to be enemies of a government are kept
Why was the Bat 6 game formed?
The Bat 6 game was formed because there when two groups in town they could figure out who gets a road and instead of fighting they have a baseball game
What result does the Bat 6 game have on the girls’ friendship between teams?
Many of the girls from opposite teams became friends
How does Vernell feel about the Bat 6 game?
Vernell did not like the Bat 6 game because she doesn't like to play in it but she does like being the manager.
What does Wink blame as the reason Shazam is strange
Wink blames Shazam’s strangeness on her mothers scandal
a length of time during which something happens
What does Little Peggy's class decide to do for Aki's birthday?
Little Peggy's class buys Aki a new glove.
What event does Ila Mae remember about last autumn?
Ila Mae remembers that in autumn Shazam said she did not like Japanese.
Where was Aki’s family? Why?
Akis family was in a internment camp because they were Japanese
Why did Aki's family return to Bear Creek Ridge?
Aki’s family returned to Bear Creek Ridge because they left the internment camp and that's where they used to live.
light and quick in ones movement.
How does Shazam act at Wink's birthday party?
Shazam acts like she owns the place and she cheated to win a prize.
How do Wink and Darlene feel after the ambulance comes to take Aki away?
They think it's their fault.
Kate discovers Ila Mae crying. What does Ila Mae tell Kate?
Ila Mae tells Kate about how Shazam saw a japanese first grader and she said a bad word.
How does Aki describe the internment camp?
Its sandy and they had to move a lot
lift or carry
Who does Shazam live with?
Shazam lives with her grandma and she lives with her grandma because her mother is not very stable.
Describe the ceremonies before the Bat 6 game begins.
First all the first graders from both schools march out on the field with their teachers and they make the pledge of allegiance and everybody stands at attention and says it with them.
What does Hallie’s dad ask her when they go for a walk?
Hallie's dad asked if shazam said anything weird about Mr.Utsumis.
Why is the puka shell necklace so important to Shazam?
The puka shell necklace is important to shazam because her father gave is to her