this has a iron generater?!
what is bedwars
a lantern but not a lantern
what is a soul lantern?
i called him toe
who is bluetoebunny?
make 1 euro
what is stonks?
you cant start a sentence about this and end it with "and thats why we are god"
what is twich prime?
in this minigame you have to listen to this person
what is hypixle says?
can be used when bilding a manshon
what is a quarts block?
he would give us armor!:)
who is ryzoplays?
eats one banana
health *up*
break the law
what is weirdchamp?
this is used for farms but is not a block
what is a fence?
kinda technoblade
who is YoItsTempor?
red SUS i saw him with red!(by him self)
what is decetif
just killed a ------ felling good
what is a women
which kit?
what is skywars?
is used for houses in real life
what is concrete?
became the ruler
who is loged
something you say before saying something
and i quote
something like a fall guys minigame
what is tnt run?