Fine Arts

This organelle releases Cytochrome C to start apoptosis, and the foldings within this organelle are known as cristae. What cellular organelle is known as the “Powerhouse” of the cell?

What is mitochondria


In one scene in this novel, the title character hits Gilbert Blythe with her slate after he makes fun of her red hair. The title orphan goes to live with Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert on their farm in what Lucy Maud Montgomery novel?

What is Anne of Green Gables


The Gran Sasso raid was an attempt to rescue this man from prison after he was deposed by Victor Emmanuel III. This man came to power following the March on Rome with the help of his Blackshirts. Identify this fascist leader who served as Prime Minister of Italy during World War II.

Who is Mussolini?


Symbolized by an elongated less than sign is what term which instructs the musician to gradually increase volume?

What is crescendo? 


The Danube River bisects what Austrian capital that is the headquarters of OPEC and location of the Hofburg Palace?

What is Vienna?


The laws of motion were formulated by what scientist who invented calculus and proposed the existence of gravity?

Who is Newton? 


Another Canadian author is this woman, who wrote about Offred surviving the patriarchal dystopia Gilead in her novel The Handmaid’s Tale.

Who is Margaret Atwood


While running for a Senate seat in this state, Abraham Lincoln debated Stephen Douglas. Identify this Midwestern state with capital at Springfield.

What is Springfield? 


When a dot appears under a note, it instructs the musician to play that note in what manner which is supposed to sound shortened and detached from the rest?

What is staccato? 

The Seine River flows through what French capital that is the location of the Arc de Triomphe?

What is Paris? 


Newton’s first law govern what scientific idea that is often stated as, “An object at rest stays at rest, but an object in motion stays in motion?”

What is inertia? 


What author of A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court and The Prince and the Pauper wrote about the friend of Joe Harper and Huck Finn in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?

Who is Mark Twain? 


During a showing of Our American Cousin at Ford’s Theater, Lincoln was assassinated by what actor?

Who is John Wilkes Booth? 


What music theory term is symbolized by a double lowercase “F” and means to play very loudly?

What is fortissimo? 


Christiana was the original name of what city that currently serves as the capital of Norway?

What is Oslo? 


Newton’s second law is defined by force equals “m” multiplied by acceleration. What does the “m” stand for? In science, this property is often confused with weight.

What is mass? 


In one novel, Glimmer dies after this character points out a tracker jacker nest to the protagonist. Thresh spares that protagonist after she confesses to burying this character in the flowers. This character teaches Katniss a four note song that is picked up by the Mockingjays in the arena.

Who is Rue? 


Lincoln defeated John Breckinridge, John Bell, and Stephen Douglas to become the first American president to represent what political party?

What is republican or GOP? 


This actor played the title character in The Tooth Fairy, which made him the object of ridicule by Triple H. This man is scheduled to play Dr. Smolder Bravestone in the upcoming Jumanji remake and he has played Luke Hobbs in the Fast and Furious movies. Identify this actor and part-time professional wrestler nicknamed “The Rock”.

Who is Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson? 


This city is home to Lombard Street, which is recognized as the “Crookedest Street in the World”. Alcatraz Island is located just off the coast of the city that lies across a namesake bay from the city of Oakland

What is San Francisco? 


A comet named Shoemaker-Levy 9 broke apart and collided with this planet in 1994. In 2000, three large storms on this planet merged to create the Oval BA storm. Another storm on this planet is known as the Great Red Spot

What is Jupiter? 


The title character of this novel escapes the Chateau d’If with the assistance of the “Mad Priest,” Abbe Farria.  In what novel does Edmond Dantes seek revenge on the men who had him imprisoned in the Chateau under the title alias?

What is the Count of Monte Cristo? 


The first person of this ethnicity to serve in the House of Representatives and Senate was Dan Inouye. Another person of this ethnicity sued the federal government over the constitutionality of Executive Order 9066. During World War II, members of this ethnicity were sent to internment camps, the most famous of which was Manzanar

What is Japanese American? 


Early in this musical, one character converses with John Laurens and Hercules Mulligan and that character later begins an affair with Maria Reynolds. Another character in this musical defeats Philip Schuyler in a race for a Senate seat. The final song in this musical is entitled “Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story” and features an appearance by the deceased George Washington

What is Hamilton


The first African American mayor of this city was Harold Washington and this city was where James Addams and Ellen Starr built Hull House. The Knights of Labor declined after the Haymarket Square Riots occurred in this city that was also the site of the Pullman strike.

What is Chicago? 
