
Who is babysitting Sam and Derek while their parents are on vacation.

Their cousin, Megan


What did Mr. Haskins say that made Sam scared of his upcoming trip to Belle Island. This specific part of Mr. Haskins's story started to convince the boys that the ghosts might be real.

My Haskins told them that his friend went to the island alone and never returned. The police never found him or any of his belongings.


What does Sam think about fighting brother against brother in the Civil War?

Though he sometimes wants to beat his brother up when he annoys him, he would not want to fight him to the death.


What was Belle Isle during the Civil War?

It was a prisoner of war camp and then became a factory.


Why does Derek keep saying that Sam had a date with Caitlin? What text in the story proves this?

Derek just likes to bug Sam. However, since dinner and a movie are date activities and Sam and Caitlin had dinner and saw a movie together, Derek says they went on a date.


Who got to light the cannon at the end of the book?



What does Sam think about being a soldier? Would he want to be one?

No, he thinks it would be scary.


What did Sam get from Paris?

What did Derek get from Paris?

Derek got a soccer jersey.

Sam got a ..


Where did their parents go for their vacation?



Is Megan a good babysitter? Give proof for your answer.

Megan is not a really good babysitter because she is distracted by her boyfriend and her own life. 

1. She let the boys go to an unfamiliar place unsupervised. 

2. She burnt the pizza while talking to holly about her boyfriend. 

3. She drove while talking on the cell phone.

4. she told them mean things like she would leave them in the deep end and called them creeps.

5. She said that the less time she had to watch them the better.


Who are the Ghosts of the Confederacy?

A group of guys that ride motorcycles and gather together to try to keep the confederacy and their leaders' memories alive.


What did Sam see in the history book in his room that reminded him of the Civil War and the trip with Caitlin and her mom to the bookstore?

He looked up the information on the Civil War and saw the statue of Robert E. Lee.


What part of the story made you think a mystery might be around the corner?

Some answers are: 

The belle isle story by Mr. Haskins and then their impending trip to the Island. 

Then their trip to the hydro plant

The stories about  Richmond Cemetary and their run-in with the Confederate ghosts.


How is the Hollywood cemetery different from St. John's cemetery.

St. John's was smaller and Sam compared it to a sandbox versus the beach. They also wished they had a map to navigate this cemetery.


Do the boys worry about being left alone so much (while Megan is off visiting Paul).

Derek doesn't seem to worry about it too much (proven by his comment-"what's the worst that can happen?"), but Sam does. However, they discussed it and they decided that Megan will be the one in trouble. They also like the freedom to explore.


Explain some instances in the story where you know that Sam is more timid than Derek.

He doesn't like hearing ghost stories, is scared of the blood and the Confederate Ghosts, doesn't want his parents to climb the tall Effiel Tower, he didn't like climbing the tall lighthouse at the beach, etc. 


Why did Sam see on the jacket of the Confederate Ghost?

What else did he see that scared him?

He saw a ghost picture just like the one at the hydro plant.

They also saw blood on the statue of Jefferson Davis.


What fun things did Sam do with Caitlin?

They helped out at the bookstore

They went to the pool, saw a movie


Does it seem like Belle Isle is close or far from most of the town and the places that the boys go?

It seems close because they seem to see it everywhere. However, there is a portion of the text that discusses getting on a freeway. This might indicate that some things are further than we assume. That probably means some things are close and some things are far from Belle Isle. 


Knowing Derek, do you think he wants to visit the cemetery?

Do you think Sam wants to visit the cemetery?

Explain your answers

Derek usually doesn't seem interested in things like history. For example, he ignored and scoffed at Caitlin's excitement about Jefferson Davis's tombstone. however, he likes exploring and mysteries

Sam usually is a bit apprehensive to go to such places, especially with the recent talk of ghosts. However, he usually is convinced by his interest and will go with others. He also doesn't want to be left out. He also, like Derek, likes mysteries. He is usually more worried about what might happen.


What is the nickname of the character in the motorcycle gang that is supposed to be the mean leader?

Mad Dog


How did they rescue Derek from the motorcycle gang?

Were they successful?

They got his attention and then distracted the guys by knocking over the motorcycles. This made the three guys come running leaving Derek, Sam, and Caitlin free to run away.


How did Mad Dog teach Sean and Cameron a lesson?

Do you think they will bully Derek, Sam, or Caitlin ever again? 

They saw them walking along and Mad Dog drove up to them and scared them with his motorcycle and bright light. The bullies thought that D, S, C were friends. Most people know not to mess with Mad Dog.


What is the name of the museum where there is a cannon and a statue of Abraham Lincoln?



How do you think that Derek, Sam, and Caitlin felt about Mad Dog and his gang now?

Explain your answer

Your opinion
