If asymptomatic and Afebrile without medication for 24 hours and does NOT have a compromised immune system.
What are the three conditions required for release from isolation on the 11th day.
A shared hug, a cigarette, and a straw have this in common.
They are examples of a close contact.
The individuals considered accountable to their professional regulatory bodies and can be located here.
Regulated health care professionals.
Appendix D page 4
Student or staff you need to send notification to this team and one extra step.
School and Facility
Add to school handover if attended while contagious
The 7 day rule can be found here.
Section 4 page 14 and 15
These three groups are NOT investigated by our case investigators but are transferred instead.
Who are FNIHB, Military, and Federal Prisoners.
Investigators must reach out to these individuals directly, ideally at the time of the case investigation call.
Household close contacts.
Ill Patients who were cared for in a hospital need this notification document completed.
IPD Appendix F
If you work in a camp out of Fort McMurray you will need to CC your OB notification here.
Section 3 page 14
When investigating LEOs investigators can engage this team at their workplace.
Occupational Health and Safety
Symptomatic cases
If you live away from home when you go to work you may need this section of appendix I completed.
Work accommodation and Occupational travel.
If you fly to work your investigator will use a template found here.
Appendix I
If the call recipient reports any of these you must activate EMS
severe difficulty breathing (e.g., struggling for each breath, speaking in single words) severe chest pain having a very hard time waking up feeling confused loss of consciousness
Isolation orders extend from 10 to 14 days for hospitalized cases discharged to these settings.
Congregate care.
These individuals will all be considered close contacts if one of their members becomes a positive case.
Sports cohorts
These 3 categories fall under one appendix and all require a notification with the template found in appendix L.
School day home and preschool
OOP OOC acquired in AB or NOT best look at the charts on here for how to complete your charting.
Appendix I page 7
Indeterminate cases have two documents specific to them.
Indeterminate script and process for management of indeterminate results in resource tab.
Two or more core symptoms.
This is day before the cases lift date in the excel spread sheet.
last date of exposure for a sustained household contact
Don't forget to ask about where your case eats lunch or takes what kind of transportation when you are working in this appendix.
Yellow school bus appendix L
To find an OB number these two filters will narrow your search.
zone and type of facility
Can't get ahold of you or you are just impossible to deal with we will KO you with these documents.
Unable to contact and Letter of Notice