Filters, concentrates, and regulates
What is the kidney?
When, how often, and how much
What is the patient's usual pattern?
Fiber, fluid, activity
What is needed for bowel elimination?
Limit tub baths and wear cotton underwear
What are some teaching topics for urinary elimination?
Plan frequent bathroom visits during this
What is bladder training?
1.5-2 mL/kg/hr
What is urinary output?
Prior urethral surgery
What is the surgical history?
Movement through the intestines
What is peristalsis?
How should perineal hygiene be performed?
Sitting upright helps
What is defecation?
Fluid intake, diarrhea, diaphoresis, medications
What influences urinary output?
" I have a problem with wetting when I sneeze."
What is incontinence?
Psychological influence of defecation
What is privacy?
Cruciferous vegetables may help
What increases fiber in the diet?
Take only when absolutely necessary to avoid dependence
What is a laxative?
Do not have the ability to concentrate urine
Who are infants?
Inability to adequately empty when voiding
What is urinary retention?
Rectal receptors have decreased sensitivity to stretch
What is a developmental consideration for older adult defecation?
Contract muscles as if urination is stopped midstream.
What is Pelvic Floor Muscle Training?
Helps to prevent UTI
Discard the first void, bu keep the last
What is a 24 hour urine specimen collection?
Consideration for patient's using opiods for chronic pain
What is chronic constipation?
Results in slower movement and increased fluid absorption
What is a hypomotility disorder?
"I can do it myself!"
What is promote independence?
Potentially deadly result of a common intervention
What is Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection?