the first musical meg was in
what is alice in wonderland
megs first boyfriend
who is tommy patrick
who is charlotte
megs major
what is Spanish
megs favorite color
what is blue
name of the musical meg was in that won an award at the SLHSMTA
amount of (first) cousins meg has
how many is four
megs sorority
alpha delta pi <>
megs favorite holiday
what is christmas
the summer swim team meg swam for for eleven years
what is the lake st. louis sea lions
amount of siblings megs boyfriend has
how many is 6
megs sisters middle name
what is grace
megs future career goal
What is English as a Second Language Teacher (ESL)
megs favorite animal
the name of the winter swim team meg swam for for six years
what is the YOFM (ymca o’fallon missouri) sea dragons
the location of megs first kiss
where is six flags (on a bench)
megs family’s address
where is 804 honeywood dr
most important holiday on megs campus that you must all visit for
when is Mardi Gras
megs least favorite food ever
what are beans
The only play meg acted in during college
What is Rabbit Hole
megs anniversary
when is May 9th 2020
Megs dads favorite football team
will accept
what is the denver broncos or what is the tottenham hotspurs
the college bar meg went to freshman year
where is grizz (rip)
Megs favorite childhood movie
What is Peter pan (bonus points if you remember it was the live action one)