Mark of the Beast?
How many offices or office functions are there? (Ministry Gifts)
5= Five Fold Ministry Gifts
Triune God? How many parts of God are there?
3 That are one!
Number of Man
How many books are the Old Testament?
39 Books
Number of Angels that fell with Satan?
1/3 of the host of heaven
How long is a Daniel Fast?
21 Days
How many times does the bible include the word Obey?
How many books are the New Testament?
29 Books
How many times was Jesus Tempted?
How many commandments are there bibically?
How many times does the bible include the word Faith?
336 times
How many years did the children of Egypt wonder?
40 Years
How many books are the Bible?
66 Books
Consequences from the fall, which number curse was given to the serpent? First, Second, or Third?
First or 1st
How many of the same animals were instructed to add to the ark by God?
What day God rest?
7th Day
How many times are we commanded to forgive in one day.
How many chapters are in the whole bible?
1189 Chapters
How many archangels fall with Satan?
How many times did God speak to Say, "This is my beloved Son hear ye him!"
42 Generations
What day did God Establish the evening and the morning?
On day 1
How many letters are in the last word of the bible?
4= A. M. E. N.