Hone your hunger
Motivation Stages
Rephrase it

Taking the time and ____ ____ when eating can help you notice your satiety cues. 

What is Slowing down?

It takes at least 20 minutes for your brain to get the message that your stomach is officially "comfortable" and that you should stop eating. If you eat slowly, the brain has a chance to catch up with the stomach, and you're less likely to overeat.


The best time to eat a big, filling, low caloric density salad with lots of veggies, protein, and healthy fats. 

When my stomach is hungry. 


Some days, you spring out of bed raring to start your morning workout. Other days, you have to force yourself off the couch just to get a bowl of popcorn. Why? 

Motivation is not constant 


Potato chips, pizza, popcorn. Red, yellow, or green?



I did everything right and I still gained 5 pounds overnight. This is never going to work. 

This is normal. Body weight fluctuates daily. I will look at the overall average over time. 


Research suggests that low-calorie ______  and _____ that are rich in soluble fiber help us feel fuller faster and keep bloodsugars steady.

Research suggests that low-calorie vegetables and fruits that are rich in soluble fiber -- like oranges and grapefruit -- help us feel fuller faster and keep bloodsugars steady. This can translate into better appetite control. Of the 20 most popular fruits and vegetables, oranges and grapefruits are highest in fiber!


True or False. The only skill you can use to get through a difficult situation is to accept it, radically (radical acceptance).



After the honeymoon comes…

The plummet. Once the honeymoon is over (whether it's a few hours or even a few weeks,) when you feel your motivation start slipping away, you know you're experiencing the dreaded plummet. Just remember, it's normal and you'll get through it.


Explain the red yellow and green color code system and how to utilize it. 

Red signals the most calorically dense and/or least nutrient-dense foods, green are the least calorically dense and/or most nutrient-dense foods, and yellow foods fall somewhere in the middle


I can’t eat X. 

I am giving myself permission to eat all foods. 


One study found that when people had a large portion (3 cups), low-calorie (100 calories) before lunch, they ate 12% fewer calories during the meal. When they had a smaller portion (1 1/2 cups and 50 calories), they ate 7% fewer calories overall.

What is salad? 

You can make the same salads used in the study: Toss romaine lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, celery, and cucumbers together, and top with fat-free or low-fat dressing. But beware the fatty salad! Eating a high-calorie salad, even a small one, can encourage us to eat more calories at the meal than if we ate no salad at all.


A helpful tool to use when the intensity of an emotion is at its highest

What is Distraction?


When your motivation reaches an all-time high, you've reached the _____ stage. There's no turning back now! You've got this!



Whole grain tortilla. Red, yellow, or green?



I have to go on a diet. 

I’m learning to listen to my body. 


These can help you feel full between meals because of their protein and fiber content. But keep that handful small: they are high in fat, even though it is the healthful monounsaturated kind.

Nuts help you feel satisfied because of their protein and fiber content. A handful of these vitamin- and mineral-rich nuggets will hold you over between meals. But keep that handful small: Nuts are high in fat, even though it is the healthful monounsaturated kind.


Dana is really upset about a fight that she had with a friend. Instead of turning to food (her urge), she decides to simply sit with it for 10 minutes before taking action. Which skill is she using?

Riding the wave / urge surfing.


Finish this phrase. Don’t let a ____ become a ____. 

Don’t let a SLIP become a SLIDE. 


True or false and why? Red foods are bad foods. 

False. Red foods are calorie dense and, often, less healthy. So, while they aren't off limits, you do have to be careful about how much of these foods you eat.


I have to earn my food by exercising more. 

I need food everyday regardless of movement. 


A food additive that enhances the smell and taste of food—particularly fast, unhealthy food—and stimulates hunger, making you crave more junk food.  

What is MSG? Monosodium glutamate


Mark totally blew his calorie budget yesterday and can't stop thinking "I shouldn't have eaten that cake yesterday" over and over and over again. Which of the following thought distortion is he experiencing?

What is rumination?


What are the 6 stages of the Motivation Model?

Hype, Honeymoon, Plummet, Lapse, Surges, Slips


What percentage of green, yellow, red foods does NOOM recommend daily?

Green 30% Yellow 45% Red 25%


I ate dessert twice this week – I cannot eat it anymore. 

It’s okay to honor my cravings. It doesn’t mean I have failed. In honoring them, I will probably crave those foods less often
